
Fun for the whole Family:

"No, It's a vicious lie!"



November 23, 2017 - 12:27 a.m.
"nvidia chip" or "pre-thanksgiving game night"

Hey Journal!

This morning I got up at the usual time but I was EXHAUSTED from having gotten a bad night's sleep! I had this terrible post-nasal drip and I kept waking up coughing! It was very unpleasant! Dan had to leave super-early to get over to his parents' house to leave for their trip to Virginia, so I went downstairs to sleep on the couch.

I used the wedge pillow and that helped a little bit. It wasn't perfect but I was able to get back to sleep for a little while. Dan left the house around 4:00 and I woke up to say goodbye. I fell back to sleep after that but I was still pretty tired when it was time to get up for work.

I wound up getting to work at 10:00 and the first thing I had to do today was to try to get my Grandma's photos off of her old computer. I brought it to work with me but when I tried to turn it on, it wouldn't go on. It's weird because my Grandma told me she had that same problem but then, one day, it magically went on. I tried several times and the light on the front was just blinking yellow...or "amber" as they call it.

I thought for a little while on how to best get the photos off and I decided to hook the computer's hard drive up to a SATA cable in another computer. I used Lisa's computer and got it going. I transferred the files to Google Drive but I was surprised at how long it took. I was only able to get through about 3/4 of them today and I will have to do the rest next week.

After taking out the hard drive, the rest of the computer was garbage. I salvaged some parts from inside and I noticed there was an NVIDIA chip inside. Since Steve loves NVIDIA, I put the computer on his desk and when he came in, he was very confused as to why there was a disassembled computer on his desk. (As I had expected him to be!)

I told him I had put it there to show him something and after a quick look he spotted the chip! It was a 10 year old NVIDIA chip!

When Steve got in we talked about some random stuff, one of those things being the parents of a friend of my cousin who we both know. I always knew they were a little wacky but it turns out they're even more wacky!

For lunch today I had the French Dip for the second day in a row! It's a great sandwich and I can't miss any opportunities to get it!

At about 4:00 I started to get changed for the evening. I wanted to put on my regular pants and shirt for tonight.

I left work a little before 5:00 and headed over to Linda's! We had planned a night-before-Thanksgiving game night! I picked up Cameron from Linda's mom's house and she was super-excited to see me! We headed back to Linda's house and arrived there around 5:30! We got pizzas from the pizza place around the corner and we ate! Then we played some mean games of Pictionary! We had a big easel with a dry erase marker board on it and at first we did a few practice rounds.

Then Connor and I played a few rounds of this Pokemon Headbands game. I was okay at it and I was excited to play it but the problem is that I ONLY know pokemon from Gen 1 and Gen 2 so I had no way to guess the ones from future generations. I've never seen or heard of them so there was no amount of describing that could get me to guess it! Instead, Linda drew out the words on the board to help me guess the name.

Laster we actually played the game... Me and Connor vs. Linda and Cameron. Connor and I were on fire! We kept getting them! He was really good at guessing my drawing even when they were strange and kinda niche!

The Charlie Brown Thanksgiving specials were on TV while we played and then after that we watched the first two episodes of Stranger Things! Cameron really wanted to watch and she's already a fan of Barb! Connor wanted NOTHING to do with it and went in his room to play on his phone. After it was over, before I left, Cameron drew picture on the whiteboard of Nancy, Barb, and the Demogorgon. They only showed the Demogorgon for about 2 seconds so far and she had a pretty accurate drawing!

I left around 11:45 and headed home. I should have left the porch lights on because it was pretty dark when I got back home. I came inside, took a shower, and now it's time to head off to sleep! Tomorrow is the big Thanksgiving Day and I'm heading out to Aunt Regina's around 2:00!

I plan to get up, watch the parade, and then head on over!

Until tomorrow...

Goodnight. :)

The last five:
survey says - November 27, 2017
"stranger things and ducktales are for me" or "christmas decorations: part 1" - November 26, 2017
"jerry's heart attack" or "pampas day: the wheeled barrow" - December 26, 2017
"german food with mikey and theresa" or "a day of cleaning" - November 25, 2017
"thanksgiving" or "thanksgiving after-party" - November 24, 2017