
Fun for the whole Family:

"No, It's a vicious lie!"



November 24, 2017 - 2:31 a.m.
"thanksgiving" or "thanksgiving after-party"

Hey Journal!

Happy Thanksgiving! I really had a great Thanksgiving and I'm excited to tell you all about it.

Last night when I went to bed, I had one objective and that was to sleep nice and late. I even covered the windows in our bedroom with our old light-blocking curtains. They were in the basement and have been since we moved here. I brought them up and tucked them in around the blinds to ensure darkness.

I did get a good night's sleep but my mom texted me early and that woke me from my slumber.

I started the morning with a little soup for breakfast and then I watched the parade. I started watching around 11:00 and it had started at 9. I feel like watching the parade is a tradition but I couldn't imagine watching it without fast forwarding. It would be torture. There are so many boring parts! In about 30 minutes I had seen all the floats and was completely caught up.

I did some laundry, folded towels, and then I got ready to go to my Aunt's. I picked up my mom because her car wouldn't start. She was at Dunkin' Donuts and it broke down. My uncle came and picked her up and brought her back home. I arrived around 1:30 and we headed out to Aunt Regina's!

When we arrived, only my Uncle Thomas and Alexis were there already with my Grandma and Grandpa. Shortly after, Dan arrived, followed by the triplets, and Christen arrived a little while after that.

Only a few minutes after we got there, my Uncle Charlie disappeared and we didn't see him the rest of the day. My Aunt said he was not feeling well and he had to go upstairs and sleep!

My hair was a big hit and conversation started. My mom said something about it being very straight and that she really liked it. I told the whole story of my hair relaxer and everyone was captivated. It seemed to get a lot of positive feedback!

Dinner was served shortly after and it was a traditional thanksgiving feast! We had turkey, stuffing, potatoes, and string beans. There were a few more selections but that's the Brian friendly stuff!

I ate at the kids table, as usual. As Ryan said, "kid's table is lit!" We had good time, and then after dinner I hung out with my Grandpa on the couch for a little while.

We had a dessert in the dining room and I had a donut and some ice cream. It's funny, I was saying later that, in total, I think I actually ate less on Thanksgiving than I do on a normal day!

It was a fun time, we all hung out and talked and enjoyed the day.

Sadly, Jackie and the kids didn't come over because all three kids were sick. Mikey and Theresa weren't there, either, because they were hosting Theresa's family at their house.

We were the last to leave just a little before 8:30. Mikey had texted me and invited me to come over and Christen was planning to go, too. So, I headed over there and we hung out for a while. It was me, Mikey, Theresa, Christen, Casey, and two of Theresa's relatives, Ginny and Rob.

It turned into our very own Thanksgiving after-party! Fiddle Fever was the soundtrack of the night and we played the "Game of Things" and then we talked, ate cookies, and just had a general really fun time!

Everyone left around 12:00 but I stayed for another 15 minutes or so talking to Mikey and Theresa. They gave me lots of leftover turkey to take home for Dan (and me!) We have plans to hang out tomorrow night... they're going to come over to our house which means I have to crack down tomorrow and clean up around here because it's a disaster area!

I got home a little before 1:00, showered up, and then I came downstairs to look at Black Friday deals online. I saw a couple of low-priced interesting items on AMazon and ordered them. I didn't see too much else at other stores but I did see that Home Depot is doing the 99 cent poinsettias so I may try to snag some of those!

Now I really have to get to bed. I have to say that being up late is my thing. I love it. It reminds me of college times when I was most productive late at night. I was up late last night and now again tonight but the problem is that it's going to be hard to get back into a normal schedule!

I am happy that I'll be able to (hopefully) sleep late!

Until tomorrow...

Goodnight. :)

The last five:
- - November 28, 2017
survey says - November 27, 2017
"stranger things and ducktales are for me" or "christmas decorations: part 1" - November 26, 2017
"jerry's heart attack" or "pampas day: the wheeled barrow" - December 26, 2017
"german food with mikey and theresa" or "a day of cleaning" - November 25, 2017