
Fun for the whole Family:

"No, It's a vicious lie!"



November 26, 2017 - 11:03 p.m.
"stranger things and ducktales are for me" or "christmas decorations: part 1"

Hey Journal!

This morning Dan and I got up around 10:30 and watched some TV. We left the house around 12:00 and planned to get some bagels for breakfast. Somewhere along the way we decided to abandon that plan and go to McDonald's instead. I got the hotcakes and sausage platter and it was SOOOO hot today! I hate when the pancakes are cold or barely warm. This was perfect. The butter melted quickly and I was quite happy.

While we were there, we called my Grandma to see if she wanted to come to the hospital with us. She had asked us to call before we went today. Unfortunately, she said that she couldn't go because my Grandpa needed her for something at home. My mom called me shortly after that to say that she would get a ride home from the hospital with one of Jerry's friends. Since we didn't really have a reason to go back up there since we weren't bringing my Grandma, we decided not to go.

Instead, we went to the mall and walked around. There is a new comic store down by the food court and they had some really cool stuff. They had some neat Stranger Things and DuckTales Funko items! I wanted to buy them and Dan did, too. The prices were okay... they were 12.99 each, instead of 9.99 at Target BUT they had a buy one, get one half off sale. That made them pretty close so we decided to get them. Shortly after, I checked out the prices on Amazon and they were much better on both items. So, as cool a store as it was, we had to go with the cheaper price. They're supposed to be delivered on Tuesday!

Next up, we went to Target in Commack. We got a few random things and then we headed home. We got back around 2:10 and we spent the rest of the day watching TV and doing things around the house.

We started decorating for Christmas and took all the boxes upstairs. We took all of the tinsel creatures out of their boxes, unpacked all of the decorations that go around the house, and we actually remembered to put up the wreath this year! We got most of the stuff out and in place but we have a little more to do tomorrow. We have to put up the tree, put the lights on, and the ornaments. We also have to decide where we're putting the tinsel pig and others this year. We may not put them on the porch and do something inside, instead.

We watched our usual Sunday night TV Walking Dead, and we have Shameless to watch tomorrow.

Until tomorrow...

Goodnight. :)

The last five:
"cavalier" or "carrabba's chicken soup" - December 01, 2017
"rapid egg cooker" or "in other target news" - November 30, 2017
everyday wednesday - November 29, 2017
"tree up" or "plot count" - November 28, 2017
survey says - November 27, 2017