
Fun for the whole Family:

"No, It's a vicious lie!"



December 01, 2016 - 10:35 p.m.
packing and other preparations

Hey Journal!

Today at work I had so much to get done. At one point I had the messiest desk I think I've ever had. Things were in giant heaps and nothing made any sense. I just pressed though and tried to get stuff done one thing at a time.

This whole week we were planning to do our Christmas bonuses today. I need to have them in the computer tomorrow before I go and, as luck would have it, Steve didn't come in today so we couldn't do it. He's not coming in tomorrow, either, so we're going to have to do it over the phone! I e-mailed him the sheet.

I paid a lot of bills because I wanted to get them off my plate before I left. That way, nobody will be calling looking for money while I'm gone. They're so irritating.

I left work at 5:00 today and headed home. I watched some news when I got home but, if we're being honest, I really am not into watching the news anymore. I feel betrayed by the news. I'm not sure if it's because I'm angry that they sensationalize the news and don't actually care about journalism OR if it's because they get things so wrong that I feel blindsided by the truth. I don't know. I just am not into it. And that's weird because I've been a faithful EWN and WN watcher for so so so many years.

Anyway, when Dan got home he left for the gym and I did some more packing. I'm almost done -- just a few more last minute things to put into the suitcases tomorrow.

For dinner I made two boxes of Mac and Cheese and we ate while watching Judge Judy when Dan returned.

We watched Designated Survivor and the Season 5 finale of Teen Wolf. I really liked this season. We have the first few episodes of Season 6 recorded and we're going to start in on that when we get home from Disney!

Anyway, now we're off to bed! Until tomorrow...

Goodnight. :)

The last five:
"hollywood studios" or "lipoa" - December 06, 2016
"epcot" or "jingle bell, jingle bam!" - December 05, 2016
"magic kingdom" or "trader sam’s" - December 05, 2016
"destination: disney" or "epcot" - December 03, 2016
"disney, here we come" or "mother turns 60" - December 02, 2016