
Fun for the whole Family:

"No, It's a vicious lie!"



November 30, 2016 - 11:16 p.m.
"another day of rain" or "start packing"

Hey Journal!

Today was another day of torrential rain! I got to work and spent the day trying to sort through the stuff on my desk. I always like to leave for vacation with a clean desk so I have a lot to still get done!

In the morning, the payroll was delivered and I didn't open the envelope until a few hours later. When I did, I was confused as I was looking through the checks and then I realized that we got half of our payroll and half of another company's payroll!

I called ADP and I was on the phone with the guy for over an hour. Most of that time was spent on hold and he kept coming back to ask me questions. He asked which checks we were missing and then spent the majority of the time asking me questions about which checks we had gotten from the other company.

I looked up the other company online and found that are in Hauppauge and do some sort of military defense work, making consoles and control panels for aircraft and tanks. Sounds interesting. A few of their checks were addresses nearby and some were in Kentucky.

Anyway, for lunch I had the Tuscan panini and then in the afternoon I helped set up the Christmas tree! I used my newly learned skills from our tree at home to fluff the branches properly. I never would have thought that you had to point them UP! It really works!

There were a few strands of lights out when we first started but as we fixed the branches, all of the ones that were out came on! It's kinda weird because it's not like something was loose and when you jiggle it, they flicker.... once they came on we couldn't figure out what had happened! It's like they needed time to wake up from their hibernation since last year!

Anyway, I left at 5 and headed home.

Dan went right to the gym and we planned to have leftovers for dinner. I had the spaghetti we made on Monday night.

I showered up before Dan got back and then we did more decorating after we ate. We got a lot done but still have a little more to do. Mostly we have to work on the little table in the family room.

We watched last night's episode of The Flash and that was a little stupid. This was some weird crossover episode -- but it was even more confusing than the previous ones they've had. It had four shows combined and had almost nothing to do with the normal storyline. It was just a mess.

Anyway, it's getting late so we're off to bed! Until tomorrow...

Goodnight. :)

The last five:
"epcot" or "jingle bell, jingle bam!" - December 05, 2016
“magic kingdom” or “trader sam’s” - December 05, 2016
“destination: disney” or “epcot” - December 03, 2016
"disney, here we come" or "mother turns 60" - December 02, 2016
packing and other preparations - December 01, 2016