
Fun for the whole Family:

"No, It's a vicious lie!"



November 29, 2016 - 10:45 p.m.
"torrential tuesday" or "grandma's iphone"

Hey Journal!

This morning I got up and it was SUCH a rainy day! I headed off to work and the whole day was pretty quiet.

On the bright side, I was able to get so much work done! It wasn't as intense as yesterday but there was still a lot to do.

The biggest things were submitting and approving the payroll and then more daily closes.

I prepared e-mail for later in the week and I decided to skip lunch today since nothing on the menu really appealed to me!

I left work at 4:50 and there was a lot of traffic because it was still raining pretty hard. Of course, whenever there's rain, nobody knows how to drive anymore.

When I got home, I cleaned up a little more around the house and then I worked on setting up my mom's new iPad! As soon as Dan got home we headed out to go help my Grandma with her Christmas tree. She couldn't get all of the lights to go on and she asked that we came over and fix it.

She also asked us to pick up a pizza so, on the way, we stopped at Gino's.

When we arrived, we ate some pizza and then my mom got home. I had an old iPhone that I gave to my Grandma so she could see how she liked it. She's been interested in getting on for a while now and I'm not sure if it makes sense for her to get a data plan on her phone. She's going to give this a try in the house, on the wi-fi, and see if she likes it for her e-mail and stuff.

I showed my mom her new iPad and got everything ready for her. She really likes it, mostly because it's soooo much faster than her iPad2. This one is the iPad Air 2. She's also really excited that it's so light.

Next up, we fixed the tree. There was a whole area of the tree that wasn't lighting up and it turns out, after a lot of trying to figure out why, that it was a simple fix! One of the plugs for the tree got stuck in one of the branches and never got plugged in! It was so simple all along!

At 8:30, Dan headed off to the gym. We drove separately so he could do that. I hung around a little longer but then headed home. I got home before Dan was back from the gym and I took a shower.

When Dan was back, we watched Judge Judy, The Middle, and The Real O'Neals!

Time to get to sleep! It's getting late.

Until tomorrow...

Goodnight. :)

The last five:
“magic kingdom” or “trader sam’s” - December 05, 2016
“destination: disney” or “epcot” - December 03, 2016
"disney, here we come" or "mother turns 60" - December 02, 2016
packing and other preparations - December 01, 2016
"another day of rain" or "start packing" - November 30, 2016