
Fun for the whole Family:

"No, It's a vicious lie!"



May 02, 2017 - 10:38 p.m.
"grass sprouts" or "boston chicken"

Hey Journal!

Today was the best day I've had for pain in a while. I'm always afraid to say that because it seems like to only means that tomorrow will be a total regression. Anyway, for now, I'm happy. It seems like things have been getting better and I can sit longer and longer each day. Let's hope that keeps up!

Today started out like many other days recently. Not so great, weatherwise. It was cloudy and dreary out. But, luckily, the afternoon really picked up. It got nice out, warmer, and that's a good thing.

In other news, the new grass seed started to pop up today! Yesterday when I got home from work I checked it and there was nothing to see. Today there were little sprigs when I left for work and even more when I got home! I'm really curious to see how it fills in over the next week and hope it looks good.

Work today was quiet which was nice. I was able to catch up on a bunch of annoying stuff.

The good thing was that I got a lot done AND I didn't feel like it was a rush or anything. Not overwhelming.

For lunch I had ravioli and then I left work at 5:00. I had asked Dan earlier in the day if he wanted to meet for dinner at Boston Market on the way home. We did. I had gotten an email from them today and for some reason I just felt like I needed their chicken! 1/4 White all the way!

We ate, and then headed home. We took an abbreviated walk around the neighborhood and then we came home, watched last night's Better Call Saul, and then I took a shower.

When I was done we watched The Middle and then one episode of 13 Reasons Why. We have 5 more episode to go now.

Alas, it's time for bed! Where does the time go! Until tomorrow...

Goodnight. :)

The last five:
"cold day for a bbq" or "kaniel outis" - May 07, 2017
"finishing 13 reasons" or "grass pokemon day" - May 7, 2017
cinco de mayo - May 05, 2017
cold snap - May 04, 2017
"on the up swing" or "back on bird patrol" - May 03, 2017