
Fun for the whole Family:

"No, It's a vicious lie!"



September 20, 2017 - 11:37 p.m.
two really weird things happened today

Hey Journal!

Wow, what a day. Today was a fucking weird day for two very different reasons. I figured I should go in chronological order but really, the second reason is so out of control. If you had asked me in the morning what the big topic of the day was, it would have been all this until I got a whole second chapter later on.

This morning I woke up for work and got a text from Bill saying that the power had gone out and when it came back there were no computers or phone. I asked how long the power had been out and Bill told me 10 seconds. That didn't seem to make much sense because the system should be fine without power for at least an hour, if not more.

I hurried to get ready and headed into work as fast as I could. I arrived and assessed the situation. I thought one of the battery backups must have died out so I got a replacement from the office. I had a spare just in case.

I installed it but it kept switching over to battery. I was really confused. I went out to get a new one because I thought something must have been wrong with it. The new one had a digital display of the incoming voltage. We have another one of the same model and I like it better than the older ones we have.

When I installed it, it said the voltage was 92 and it kept fluctuating between 90 and 94. Every time it would dip lower than 91 or so, it would switch over to battery and go crazy.

The normal voltage should be around 120 and so I called Nicky to see what he thought. He came right over and arrived about 20 minutes after I called. He tested everything and said that we were not receiving full power on one of the lines coming into the building. I then realized the elevator wasn't working, the lights in the restaurant were all messed up, and a bunch of other random things weren't right.

We called PSEG and they said they were sending someone out. They were actually very quick about it. Within and hour, they gave me a phone call and said they had found the problem. A fuse at the end of the street had blown and they replaced it. Nicky checked all of the connections and everything was working again!

So, that was about 12:00. The whole day felt kinda weird after that because it felt short and long at the same time.

With the computers back up, things got back to normal for a while. I did stuff that I needed to get done, tried to catch up a little, and then had some lunch. Pork and rice with chicken.


Now here I am, late for bed. Dan's coming home tomorrow evening.

Until tomorrow...

Goodnight. :)

The last five:
beef stew - September 25, 2017
"pjs pancake house" or "hand in your breakfast" - September 24, 2017
"summer weather corn maze" or "hotel party" - September 24, 2017
clandestine trumpet exchange - September 22, 2017
chicken nugget parm - September 21, 2017