
Fun for the whole Family:

"No, It's a vicious lie!"



September 18, 2017 - 11:26 p.m.
"work by day and work by night" or "nicole's last day"

Hey Journal!

Well, tonight's another late night while Dan's away for work! However, this isn't my typical late bed time... it's been a crazy night since I got home from work!

This morning I got up at 8:00 and got ready for work. Dan was out ding his walk and he was leaving later today because he had to go to the airport for his flight to Ohio. I got ready for work and I wore a new shirt, one that I just bought at Target yesterday!

It was really nice! I love it... I'm going back to get another one, I think! It's super comfortable and fit so perfectly. It's weird how great it is. I also think it looked really nice.

Today's golf outing was pretty low-key and it was a quiet day in the office. I had a ton of things to do to prepare the payroll for tomorrow and today, Steve was back in the office and I had a few things to go over with him.

I had a nice outing breakfast this morning but other than that, I didn't eat anything else all day.

Today was Nicole's last day of work at the golf course. It's really the end of an era... she's the last of that big group of really really good people! We had this core group of amazing waitresses for a few years and slowly, one by one, they have all gotten other jobs and left us. Nicole was our last holdout and now she's off! I told her to savor every last moment of today and that she'd better come back and visit!

At 4:00, we had the phone call with the deadbeat guy from the outing we that didn't pay. They guy was crazy and his excuses were totally lame. It was pathetic. They want us to give them a better price which is insane. I sense that we need a little confidence boost in the office to prevent a miscarriage of justice so tonight I worked on the perfect response letter.

Anyway, I left work at 4:45 and came home. One I got home I had a ton of WORK to do. I had to ring up a bunch of payments that came in recently for work and then I took a shower. As I was drying off, I spent time writing this letter. It took a while but I am really happy with how it came out and I think it will help set the tone tomorrow.

Finally, around 10:00, I had dinner. I made myself a TV dinner and then watched OITNB. The episode was longer than I had expected so that's how it got so late! I used my heating pad because m pain was bothering me and tomorrow morning i have a doctor's appointment.

I have mixed feelings about the appointment because it's expensive and I know when I leave we won't have any more answers but at the same time I want to go because this doctor has been helpful and I can't NOT go and then expect them to see me and answer my questions when I want to go. It's complicated.

Now it's time for bed. I'm getting up at the usual time in the morning and heading over to the appointment. I hope not to be too late for work.

Until tomorrow...

Goodnight. :)

The last five:
"summer weather corn maze" or "hotel party" - September 24, 2017
clandestine trumpet exchange - September 22, 2017
chicken nugget parm - September 21, 2017
two really weird things happened today - September 20, 2017
ribs and membranes - September 19, 2017