
Fun for the whole Family:

"No, It's a vicious lie!"



October 15, 2017 - 10:27 p.m.
"haircuts" or "expelled"

Hey Journal!

Well, I had another bad night of sleep last night but I am kinda optimistic about tonight. I feel like today was different and I've been feeling better. I also took a nap in the middle of the day that went pretty well so I'm hoping this will be a turning point and I'll be able to stay asleep most of the night!

I slept on the couch and in bed and on the couch last night and I finally got up around 10:30. I took a shower and then we went out to breakfast with my mom at Javier's.

We sat outside and it wasn't too cold but wasn't too warm, either. There weren't many bees around today, so that was good. After breakfast, we took a walk around Main Street.

Dan and I went to get haircuts after that. I haven't had an actual haircut at a barber shop since our wedding. I wanted to go today to see if I could get a nice haircut. Dan has a place in KP that he likes to go to so I figured I'd try that. It was good, the guy did a good job. I think my haircut is okay but at the same time I think it's probably one of the best haircuts I've ever gotten at a place. (Which doesn't say much for the other places I've gone!)

After our haircuts, we came home and stayed in for the rest of the day. Dan watched some sports on the TV and I took a nap on the couch. When I got up, we watched a movie on Netflix. It was called Expelled. It was weird...I don't know this happened but it was on "My List." It was the only movie on the list. I had never heard of it but I figured I'd give it a shot. It was weird, it was a little stupid, but I loved it. It was such a funny movie.

Next up we watched a show about the kid who was in the movie. It was good but I thought it was just a one-episode documentary... it turns out it's a whole season! Yikes! I don't know if i can make it through a full show about this kid!

Anyway, Dan went out for a walk after that and I did some laundry and packed for our trip! I was hoping to be all packed tonight but I need to do more laundry tomorrow. I should be able to be all done tomorrow night. I hope.

I watched some game shows and had a TV dinner and then when Dan got back and showered up we watched tonight's Shark Tank. I still can't get used to it being on Sunday nights! I feel like Friday worked so much better.

Now it's time for bed! Wish me a good night's sleep!

Until tomorrow...

Goodnight. :)

The last five:
"jackpot party" or "paranormal" - October 21, 2017
"timeshare presentation" or "ellis island" - October 19, 2017
"arrival in las vegas" - October 18, 2017
"packing frenzy" or "vacation time" - October 17, 2017
"restless nights continue" or "mondays: how they should always be" - October 16, 2017