
Fun for the whole Family:

"No, It's a vicious lie!"



August 18, 2003 - 4:23 p.m.
Four Day Recap! Sickness and Scav sums it up!

Okay...So it's time for the recap entry! LOL... I have so many days that just blurred by, and I didn't get to write anything... let's see what I can remember now!

Ok, Aunt Maureen and Stephen came out and we went to Splish Splash with Dan, Chris, Mike, and Aunt Regina and Uncle Charlie. My mom was sick, so she stayed home... but I didn't see that making much of a difference cause she doesn't go on anyhting at Splish Splash anyway..
It was the most crowded day I have ever seen at Splish Splash! Soooooo Many people! The lines were way too long, and we went out the the car to eat food that was in my trunk! As soon as we got back in, the music stopped, and the water stopped pumping and such! LOL We realized the power went out... (I kinda wish I had been on a ride when it happened... how random would that have been!) LOL Anyway.... We hung around for an hour, thinking maybe it would come back on, and then we left.. They gave everyone tickets to come back another day. I think my aunt has mine.. I need to get that LOL.
Anyway, we returned to Dan's house and played with Lego's and did random things that didn't require electricity! lol Then I left and came home, and just sat around the house... I took a walk down the nice darkened block, it was exciting! lol. Then I went to bed really early...and slept for a loooong time. The power came back on around 4:30am, (4:11:28pm-~4:30am) But I woke up feeling kinda sick/crappy... ugh...

The Air Conditioner was broken when the power came back on...Very sad.. Anyway, like I had said, I wasn't feeling too good, so I came upstiars and laid in my bed and had my fan to keep my cool. Grandfather decided to spray something downstairs with WD-40 and the smell started to take over the house, and gave me a massive headache. Then I talked to Allie and Re, and we went out for Italian Ice. We stopped to pick up Matt, and after a little random driving we had to make a stop back at his which point my sickness really started to kick in, and I was laying on top of the hood of my car, and Re and Allie tried to make me feel better! I did feel better for a little bit... We saw Freddy vs. Jason, but I was really sick/cold in the movies... I had JC's sweater thing over my legs.. (yeah, i had the chills and a fever and all...) At Friday's I didn't get anyhing to eat... Just a Coke and Tea! LOL Yeah.. I was not well... Then I went home, and had to get to bed.. I just felt so unbelieveably crappyyyy.....

I woke up late on Saturday... felt much better than the day before, but I still had a big headache.. I took some Tylenol and it felt a little better... I went to the store by myself in the afternoon.. I don't really remember why lol, and then I drove over to Jason's house around 7, and I still felt pretty good at that time... Then we went to his friend's house who was having a party and on the way there I kinda sorta started to feel sick again... but it kept coming and going in waves.. ah But by the time we got there I was pretty much sick again and spent the rest of the night laying on the couch dying LOL. But I had an enjoyable time... At least I wasn't alone dying on the couch... there were enjoyable people around, but I was not able to be social while I was in the midst of being ill. I started to feel a little beter around 12:30 or so.. but then It started to come back again... and we left at like 1.. I think.. lol On the way home home Jason's car started to leak some crazy hot liquid which got on my shoe LoL.. but then began to evaporate and smoke a lot when it hit the floor... and eventually the Temperature light came on, and then just smoke kept pouring out! Luckilly we made it back safely...then I set out on my trip home feeling a little sick still.. but somehow not as much...Got home at 3am.. So that's what I didn't have time to update..since SCAV was the next day.. and I needed sleep!

Yeah!! So Like I said...ScavHunt was SUNDAY!! YEAHH!! We pushed back the starting time because Re had to babysit, but we started without her and Robby anyway.. My team was Me, JC, Kristen, and Robby. Jen's team had Allie and Matt. Bridgett, Jackie, and Heather were another team, and Ian, JJ, Jon, and his sister..were another team.. (composed mostly of people i dont know) anyway... Me and JC first set out to get a toilet seat cover, and then found lots of White gumballs... Then we went over to pick up Kristen since she was done with babysitting. We got a few things checked off.. and as soon as we got Robby the competition really began.. We were crazzzy we had so much to little time, and we were all so into it! Our favorite moments of the day were the VERMONT CHASE... in which we FINALLY saw a Vermont Liscense plate and I chased the car, and we took about 5 pictures trying to get the plate! Then... as we finally finish and start to get away from them, Kristen says, "Vermont lady doesn't know the New York Law...talking on her phone!" and JC, realizing that we need a pic of someone random driving on a cell.. screams "SHE'S ON A CELL PHONEEEEEE!!!!" and we try toget pics...we're speeding up around her trying to get pics and all..and she realized and she was like waving her hand and trying to get rid of us!! I think she was scared! LOL

THEN there was the best incident of the day!! We went into Petco to get some of the things done, and we saw Jackie's team in the store... So we hid, and since one of the HARD items was to put a cardboard box on another team's member's head... we looked for a box... found one in the store...and we approached them slowly.. but very slyly...and they knew something was up.. Bridget just stood there with a sort of Deer-in-headlights look, and all of a sudden Heather realized, and screamed "BACK AWAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY BRIDGETTTTTTT" and she started to back up...Re thrust the box at Bridgett, She FELL backwards, and smacked into these cages of little rats and other small animals... and fell on the floor... and then we hear.. ALMOST IMMEDIATELY... "SECURITY TO SMALL ANIMALSSS...." So my team outta there sooo fast...we just walked EXTREMELY fast out the door, and apparantly the security came and they just started at Bridget on the floor! LOL They said a whole bunch of people were standing around looking at her! ahhh LOL

Anyway, we did a lot of amazing Scav things, and there were sooo many good moments... I will post the link as soon as all of the pictures are posted online!! Which should be a few days or so!

Anyway..My team had 97 points. Jen B's had 86. And amazingly...Jackie's team was the winner "Team Cherokee" lol with 121 points!! WOW Congrats to TEAM CHEROKEE LOL!! (Which was named after Bridget's car!)

Anyway, I must depart for school now... but tonight is Robby's last night to hang out before going off to school so I will hopefully be hanging out after class tonight. I will post any more relevant information tonight... LOL Hope you had fun reading the four day recap! LOL


The last five:
"3 days until linda's wedding" or "ziti with meatballs (4)" - March 29, 2016
"floor waxing" - March 28, 2016
"cross-country easter" - March 27, 2016
"canadiens game" or "la cage aux popcorn" - March 26, 2016
"trip to montreal" or "cabine a sucre" - March 25, 2016