
Fun for the whole Family:

"No, It's a vicious lie!"



March 30, 2016 - 10:58 p.m.
"if the suit doesn't fit"

Hey Journal!

This morning on the way to work I stopped off at the Post Office to collect the CPC mail! Karen told me she was waiting for a big check to arrive so I figured I'd see if it came in. Sadly, it did not.

I hurried in to work because I was supposed to be meeting a security guy who was coming to look at our door system. I might have mentioned that one of the doors stopped working and we've left it open for a few weeks. I figured that we needed a new card but the only one I was able to locate was $1,200! That's INSANITY! Anyway, they guy never came -- so we rescheduled for tomorrow morning instead!

I spent the morning working on CPC payments and other random stuff. I had a busy day of computer stuff ahead of me.

See, our web server has gone down several times in the last week and I'm a little frustrated because we run so many of our internal applications on this system. Every time it goes down it causes me headaches but, this year, we've started using them for new applications -- the ones that keep track of the bags and lockers. Now, when the system goes down, they lose their ability to do anything.

I was looking for something more reliable and I found myself investigating Amazon AWS. I have heard a lot about AWS and it's been around for a long time but this was the first time I had ever actually used it. I set up a free account and I feel like we're lucky because we REALLY don't need anything too powerful -- their least powerful offerings are more powerful and we require! Basically, the services I'll need are free or as close to free as you can get!

I made a SQL database using RDS and a PHP platform using EC2. It's a pretty cool system and from what I can gather is extremely reliable. After I got everything up and running I transferred the applications over to the new system. Right now I'm running a copy on AWS to test by myself before putting it up for our employees to use. I want to make sure it's all working perfectly AND that I can update one database on a more regular basis.

It looks like it's going well so far so I'm really happy I looked into it!

Steve didn't come in today because Marilyn isn't feeling well. She may have the flu!

For lunch I had the steak sandwich. I get it quite often and I usually love it but today it was kinda gross. It had a weird taste to it and I was not fond of it at all!

I left work at 4:50 and I headed over to the Men's Warehouse to pick up my tuxedo for Linda's wedding. The place was a mess! I got there and went inside and there was nobody around to help me. I stood here looking around like a fool and it took about 5+ minutes for someone to come out and help me. He came out of the back room and I explained that I was there to pick up a tuxedo. He asked me my name and I gave it to him... I even spelled it. He told me he'd be just one minute. When he came back, he asked me for my name AGAIN.

He got my stuff and set me up -- but then noticed that my jacket was not inside the bag. He told me to try on the pants, shoes, and shirt while he figured out what happened with the jacket. I tried everything on and came out. He had disappeared again and didn't do anything with the jacket. When I came out, the pants and shoes fit well. The shirt and vest were ridiculous. Humongous. He asked me if I had ever been measured and I told him I had. He asked where, and I told him it was THERE!

UGH. He got me a smaller shirt from the back and asked me to try it on. He said he was also going to order a smaller vest. While I tried on the shirt -- he started looking into the missing jacket situation...finally!

The whole thing was so annoying -- but the new vest should come in on Friday morning and I'll pick it up on my way to Linda's that morning!

I really am annoyed with that place, though... the people are so weird there.

I got home around 5:45 and Dan had just left for his walk around the neighborhood. I did some laundry and paid some bills and then when Dan got back we watched World News.

I showered up we watched SHIELD. Then, it was time to crack down on my speech for Linda's wedding!

You know I absolutely DREAD speaking in public and I have no desire to give a speech whatsoever! In fact, at our own wedding, Dan and I made it so that we didn't have to say ANYTHING at all! So, of course, Linda has informed me that I have to give a speech and she was not receptive to my motions to dismiss the idea!

I have been thinking about it for a while but I really hadn't come up with ANYTHING. This evening, Dan worked on a draft for me and then I edited it a little, took out some parts that I didn't like, and then added a few things of my own. After much deliberation, I think it came out pretty good. I mean, it's not groundbreaking or anything.... nobody is going to say that was the best speech they've ever heard at a wedding... but it's acceptable. It's short, too...which was a prerequisite.

The only problem is that I'm going to be absolutely a mess when it's time to present it. I can't get up in front of people -- especially a room full of people I don't know. Of course, that may be better because at least if I made a total fool of myself, I won't have to see most of the people on a regular basis!

Anyway, with the speech wrapped up (for now, at least,) we watched an episode of Walking Dead. We just started the 5th season and so far it's been very good! I'm not in a rush, though, because I'm sad that we'll be caught up pretty soon and have nothing else to watch!

Before heading upstairs for bed I had some soup and Dan and I watched an episode of Match Game!

Until tomorrow...

Goodnight. :)

The last five:
"keeping busy" - April 04, 2016
"sunday recovery" - April 03, 2016
"post-wedding breakfast" - April 02, 2016
"linda and dan's wedding" - April 02, 2016
"rehearsal dinner" - April 01, 2016