
Fun for the whole Family:

"No, It's a vicious lie!"



April 04, 2016 - 10:37 p.m.
"keeping busy"

Hey Journal!

When I got up this morning my throat still wasn't feeling 100%. It was getting better but it wasn't gone. When I got to work, I took one of the lozenges that Steve had on his desk. He said they're really good and I figured they were worth a try. They are elderberry and zinc! Shortly after taking it, my throat started to feel much better. I had some tea later on in the day I think now it's really feeling better!

I did a few random things today but I REALLY wasn't into work at all today. I don't know why exactly but I just didn't have any energy and I wasn't in the mood to concentrate on anything.

The painter was in today to paint the basement and there was an overwhelming paint smell -- it was kinda overpowering! The basement looks much better though now that we have a fresh coat of paint on the walls and doors!

The day went by pretty quickly... Steve came in for a while in the afternoon and we talked about some payroll issues and then later on I worked on some tweaks for the payroll software.

At 4:30, I departed and headed home. I watched some TV and I was starting to feel better. I watched the news, World News, and then took a shower.

For dinner I had some frozen pizza but I think I went overboard. I couldn't finish it all! It was a lot.

Next up, I decided to watch Quantico. Dan and I have been kinda sour on that show lately -- the show has really gone downhill since the resolution of the first big mystery and so we gave up on it a few weeks ago.

I figured I'd give it a try again since I had nothing else to watch. I liked it, and it did get a little better, so I kept going and watched another episode.

I had time to fit in one Match Game before it was time to get ready for bed, and now here I am!

Until tomorrow...

Goodnight. :)

The last five:
"a full day of fun with connor and cameron" - April 09, 2016
"tent sleepover" - April 09, 2016
"cleanup deadline" - April 07, 2016
"the rally - to go or not to go" - April 06, 2016
"from sore throat to runny nose" - April 05, 2016