
Fun for the whole Family:

"No, It's a vicious lie!"



April 07, 2016 - 11:00 p.m.
"cleanup deadline"

Hey Journal!

It's Tuesday night and I REALLY REALLY worked hard to get the house in order tonight. Dan is still away on his work trip and his plane should be landing soon. He won't be home until about 1am so unfortunately I was left completely to myself to get everything ready here for Connor and Cameron to come over tomorrow.

It's not that I'm worried that the house won't be presentable for them, it's just that I want to get all the clutter out of the way so that we can actually go into different rooms and not have to move stuff and shuffle things around!

I did a fairly good job but there's still a little more to do. I hope Dan can get some things together in the morning before he goes to the Mets game.

Anyway, this morning I got up and was having a hard time getting out of bed. I had woken up at 6am to go to the bathroom and then I was having a hard time falling back to sleep! That is, of course, until it was time to get up for work -- then I couldn't get out of bed for anything!

Today was another quiet day at work. It wasn't nearly as cold as it's been the past few days but we still didn't have much play. I know it's terrible to say but I'm so happy for it this week. I needed some time to catch up and tomorrow's going to be iffy, too. On top of that, I'll be alone in the office some I'm really trying to get caught up!

Dan's dad showed me all of his videos from yesterday's rally and it was insane. He really had a good time. I'm glad I didn't go but I'm also glad he enjoyed it so much!

In the afternoon, I went to Staples to get some parchment paper. We ran out of gift certificates and I decided that instead of buying REALLY expensive gift certificate paper, I would design my own and print the entire certificate, not just print ONTO a certificate. It came out really well!

For lunch I had two pieces of grilled chicken and broccoli.

Later on, Karen stopped by! I don't really know why she came but I haven't seen her in FOREVER!

I left work at about 4:30 today so that I could drop off a FedEx package for the renewal of our summer beer licence. It's such a pain in the neck to renew this thing every year. Such a hassle.

When I got home, I cracked down on the cleanup as I mentioned before. I had World News on while I worked and I made a lot of progress. I also did a load of laundry and basically worked all night on getting the house in shape.

Eventually, I took a shower and made myself Macaroni and Cheese for dinner. I ate the whole box myself. It was so good, and I felt kinda gross eating the whole box but I really didn't eat that much throughout the day!

Before bed I fit in an episode of Match Game. The first one I started one of the contestants looked familiar and then I realized I had just seen a few weeks ago! I found another that I hadn't seen and watched that instead!

I really wish Dan had gotten home earlier tonight because it would have been nice to catch up on some of the shows we missed all week! Now we won't be able to watch anything until Sunday night! Yikes!! (I'm also going through Walking Dead withdrawal but it's for the best...I don't want to run out of episodes too soon!)

Anyway, Dan's plane will be landing soon and I am gonna go get to sleep. I need to save up my energy for tomorrow night! Connor and Cameron are sleeping over this weekend! After work I am going to go pick them up at Linda's house and then bring them back here. We'll go out to dinner and then -- I have no idea! We're going to have to come up with some stuff to do!

Until tomorrow...

Goodnight. :)

The last five:
"the perils of selling a car" - April 12, 2016
"two fillings, one tooth" or "the beast shredder" - April 11, 2016
"weekend wind-down" - April 10, 2016
"a full day of fun with connor and cameron" - April 09, 2016
"tent sleepover" - April 09, 2016