
Fun for the whole Family:

"No, It's a vicious lie!"



April 11, 2016 - 10:44 p.m.
"two fillings, one tooth" or "the beast shredder"

Hey Journal!

This morning I got up at 8:30. I got an extra 30 minutes of sleep because of my impending dentist appointment. I wanted to arrive a little earlier than my appointment time in hopes that they would take me early. I got ready and I decided that it would be casumal Monday at work today (if you remember, I decided that Friday would be casual Friday!) I figured we were closed and I wasn't going to see anyone and I didn't want to be at the dentist in my work clothes.

Anyway, I got to the dentist's office at 9:30. The receptionist (who is also the dentist's wife) was like "wow you're really early!" I know. So they didn't take me right away but they did take me about 15 minutes earlier than my appointment time. It worked out well because they got me set up in the chair and ready to go.

The woman who did the assisting was very nice. She was friendly, personable, and very calming. (This place is kinda weird because all their staff is friendly and really good. The dentist himself is a little bit cold and unfriendly. It's just an odd match considering he must be the one hiring them.) Anyway, she explained all about the procedure and what to expect.

The dentist came in and gave me the shot to numb my mouth and then he breezed off for a while. That's what he does. He comes in in spurts...does one little thing, and then disappears for a while. Is he going to see other patients or is he going to watch TV? I have no idea.

I glanced at my watch at this point and it was 10:00am so I was already ahead of schedule!

This has ALWAYS been a thing for me at the dentist:
I haven't had many cavities but, when I have, the novocaine takes longer than usual to kick in. I say that because no matter what dentist I went to, they always wait a certain amount of time and then they start drilling and it hurts like crazy. When it's finally time to leave the office, that's when my mouth feels MOST numb.

So, today was no exception. He started drilling and it hurt like heck. He really just had to wait about 5 more minutes but instead he gave me two more shots of the stuff and really, I don't thank that made any difference. After the second round of shots, he disappeared for another 5 minutes and when he got back the original shot was finally kicking in.

He got to work, drilled what he had to drill, and then it was over. It really was a quick process. Not more than 10 minutes.

Before I left, I mentioned the jagged edge on one of my lower teeth. He couldn't seem to find/see it. I don't know why because it's pretty obvious to me when I look in the mirror. I kept pointing to it but he couldn't find it. He did "buff" the lower teeth and he rounded it out a bit. It's not perfect but it's better than it was.

I was done by about 10:20 and headed off to work. I got to work at about 10:45... not bad!

I was expecting a delivery today -- a new paper shredder for the office. It's a big, commercial paper shredder and it's amazing. It can do up to 300 sheets at a time! You basically put all the sheets into the drawer and press the play button. It starts and just keeps running until all the pages are fed into the shredder and done! It's pretty fancy. We got it because Steve was irritated by how few sheets of paper fit into the old shredder at one time.

Even though we were closed at work today it was still a really busy Monday! Bill came in, which isn't typical for a Monday. We also had Mike outside working on the bridge -- he put in new planks! It really came out nice. It looks so much better, too! The old wood was starting to curl up at the edges and get all messed up!

The painters were in painting lots of stuff like the bathroom in the basement, the stairwell, and some random doors.

We also had a guy on the roof replacing the shingles that were falling out. It was pretty insane. Usually there's nothing happening and today was all over the place.

I cleaned up a lot today in Steve's office and in ours. I just want to get the place looking presentable. It's kinda a mess and I think it would be nice if it looked more put together. The delivery of the paper shredder really helped me to clear out some old junk and get things in order.

I left work at 4:30 today to get some stuff at Staples. I needed to get a new sign holder for the bathroom.

Dan arrived home shortly after me and he got ready to go to the gym. I spent some time searching for the title to Dan's car. I went through a ton of papers and after finding a lot of interesting old things I didn't even remember I had, I found A title to the car!

I was excited, but it said that there was a lien on the car from the bank. Ugh! Dan's mom said she thought they sent a new title once the loan was paid off, but I found a letter from the bank saying it had been satisfied and, after doing some research, I learned that you have to send that letter to the DMV in order to get a new title issued. We never did that, but apparently we can do that when we transfer the ownership.

I'm glad we were able to find that and now tomorrow I have to work on actually selling the car!

I showered up and then when Dan got home we watched some TV. I made some spaghetti for myself for dinner because Dan was having something else.

We watched ONE of the FOUR episodes of Scandal that we are behind on followed by Walking Dead and then Beyond the Tank!

Now it's time for bed! Until tomorrow...

Goodnight. :)

The last five:
"the return of bathroom painting" or "accents at robby's" - April 17, 2016
"another distinctive evening" - April 16, 2016
"the long wait for walking dead begins" - April 14, 2016
"dan's car is officially not his anymore" - April 13, 2016
"the perils of selling a car" - April 12, 2016