
Fun for the whole Family:

"No, It's a vicious lie!"



June 17, 2016 - 11:52 p.m.
"chasing the fedex guy" or "lau and ryan's new house"

Hey Journal!

This morning when it was time to get up for work I was surprisingly not tired! I thought that after the long day we had yesterday I would have been feeling it but luckily I was ready and raring to go!

Work today was SUPER busy. Being off yesterday meant that there was a ton of stuff piled up on my desk waiting for me when I got in but I had all this energy to get it done. It worked out perfectly. I cranked stuff out all day long and I was in a GREAT mood!

It totally didn't feel like a Friday today at all which I think made me more productive and made it even BETTER that there's no work tomorrow!

I left work at 5:00 today and headed home. We had a pretty busy night ahead of us so Dan wasn't able to go to the gym or take his walk. As soon as he got home we headed out to see LAU'S NEW HOUSE!

Yes, Lau and Ryan closed on their new house today and I couldn't wait to go over and see it. On our way there, I had to drop off an important FedEx envelope for work. I was going to do it on my way home but I forgot. I figured we would be able to get it to the drop off bin by the last pickup time, but that turned out to be harder than I thought!

We left home at 6:20 and hurried to the drop box over on Maple Avenue. We were stuck behind this incredibly slow woman on 25A and she made us miss the light by the bull. When we turned on to Maple, I saw a FedEx truck driving the opposite direction and when we arrived at the drop box, it had a pickup time of 6:15 and had already been collected! UGH!

Since this was important, I had to get it dropped off. We started chasing the van. We headed back to Main Street and guessed that it had turned right. As we approached the gym, there it was up by the diner! We were in hot pursuit.

As it made its way down Main Street, we were getting closer and closer. It turned right onto Terry Road and we followed shortly after. We had only a few cars separating us when it turned left into Kristen's apartment complex. We waited our turn and made the left, too. But we had lost it. IT was nowhere to be found. We couldn't find it anywhere. We drove all over the complex and up and down the weird neighborhood behind it. Lost.

Feeling a bit defeated, we came out the way we came in. We got to the intersection with Maureen's Kitchen when a UPS truck pulled in going the same way. I had this feeling and I had to trust my gut. We turned around and followed the UPS truck. I just felt like they must be going the same way. It didn't make any stops in the complex, it just came out onto 347 and made a right. Then, it turned into an office building and there, in the parking lot, was the FedEx truck! YESSSS! We pulled in and I parked right in front of it. There was nobody inside so we waited a minute or so. Then, the driver emerged from the back of his truck. Dan hopped out and handed him the envelope. Mission accomplished! BAM!

From there, we headed on to Lau's! The GPS said we were going to arrive around 7 but we wanted to stop to get a card and a bottle of wine to give as a congratulatory gift! We made a quick stop and then arrived around 7:15 or so.

Lau greeted us at the front door and then gave us the grand tour of the house! We said hello to Lau's mom, Lau's dad, and Ryan's mom before heading out to the backyard, the first stop on the tour! The backyard is nice and big and has a large above-ground pool!

Next we went back inside and checked out the rest of the house. It's very large, spacious, and in great condition. There are some wallpapers and carpets that Lau wants to remove and change but other than that it's in excellent shape for them to move in and get settled!

It's so wild because I remember how exciting this time was for us and how much of a whirlwind it is and then how, before you know it, you're settled in and that whole thing feels like a distant memory. I'm so happy for them... I'm sure they're going to have such a great time getting settled in their new house!

We left around 8:00 because we had plans to go out to dinner with Kristen to Lotus East. So, we returned to the scene of the chase and collected her at about 8:15. We headed out to the one and only Lotus East II.

I got the Zombie and Kristen got the Navy Grog! I love the drinks at Lotus East. They REALLY are like nowhere else. I never order drinks out but this is the exception!

Kristen got wild and ordered a second -- the House Special which she says is their strongest. Next time, I am going to try the house special. I feel like I need to understand what this magical potion is.

We had a fun time and, on the way home, we stopped for Frostys at Wendy's! We were all in quite the mood tonight and Kristen managed to capture some really great video. One of the best was our conversation in the car at the Wendy's drive thru!

We took our dessert back to Kristen's apartment and we sat on the MegaCouch and enjoyed. Somehow, Kristen managed to get Frosty all over her blanket on the couch!

We hung out for a while and had a good time. Now we're home and just about ready for bed!

In the morning we're going to Relish for breakfast! Until tomorrow...

Goodnight. :)

The last five:
"ecto cooler is HERE!" - June 22, 2016
"5 mile walk" - June 21, 2016
"best day ever" or "pool and pizza" - June 20, 2016
"father's day BBQ" - June 19, 2016
"backyard beautification" or "kings park day" - June 19, 2016