
Fun for the whole Family:

"No, It's a vicious lie!"



June 14, 2016 - 10:44 p.m.
"betty white is still going"

Hey Journal!

Wow... today was a crazy day! I spent almost the entire time at work working on the payroll. I don't think I have ever spent this much time on one payroll. We process our payroll every two weeks and, for the most part, it takes between 20 and 30 minutes for me to submit everything and approve it to be processed.

Today it took me about 7.5 hours. No joke, I didn't do anything else at work today. With the exception of a couple of bathroom breaks and about 5-10 minutes of talking or random phone calls... that was my entire day. I can't even believe it. It's a good thing I didn't have anything else I NEEDED to do today!

When I got up, I got dressed and ready for work. There was a lot of traffic today and the Northern State and Sagtikos were crazy! I wound up taking the Sagtikos down to the Southern State and that was much better according to Google Maps.

I had ONE more Kirkland shake left in the refrigerator so I was able to get one more day out of them. As I reported yesterday, they have been "marked for deletion" at Price Club and I'm really sad.

The day at work went by really quickly and, like I said, I really only did ONE THING all day long.

I left at 5:00 and headed home. Dan's mom was in the neighborhood so she drove by to say hello. She pulled up just as Dan was getting on. Then Dan had some cereal and then went out to the gym.

I watched World News and then at 7:45, Kristen came to take a nightly walk! It was a beautiful night and we went all around the neighborhood. We did a total over about 3.3 miles which was great. We walked for almost exactly one hour!

We showered up when we got home and then watched the season premiere of Major Crimes! Yes! It's back and it was on last night. Rusty FINALLY got a haircut which has been overdue for at least two seasons. I always hated his weird bowl cut and now, of course, he has a giant forehead! I guess we can't win!

In other news, you know how crazed I am about the return of Match Game and how I'm worried that it won't be as good. Well, I know it won't be as good -- I just hope it can hold its own.

Anyway, I have been saying that there NEEDS to be some representation of the original panel on the new show and since most of the panelists have passed away, that will be tough. Of course, a few are still with us... like Fannie Flagg and Betty White. I was worried because I hadn't seen betty in a while and I wasn't sure if she was going to be on the new show.

The good news is that she appeared on the reincarnation of "To Tell the Truth" on ABC tonight. The show looks ridiculous. I was never a fan of this old game show but this reincarnation is even worse! It's really weird. But it gives me hope because if Betty is on this show, she can certainly be on the new Match Game! I hope she's there on Thursday!!

Now it's time for bed! The night just FLEW by! Until tomorrow...

Goodnight. :)

The last five:
"father's day BBQ" - June 19, 2016
"backyard beautification" or "kings park day" - June 19, 2016
"chasing the fedex guy" or "lau and ryan's new house" - June 17, 2016
"match game meets match game: worlds colliding" - June 16, 2016
"where's my stapler" - June 15, 2016