
Fun for the whole Family:

"No, It's a vicious lie!"



July 07, 2016 - 10:33 p.m.
"clean up, clean up, everybody, everywhere"

Hey Journal!

This morning I got up and headed off to work and was happy that it turned out to be a not so busy day!!

In the morning I got a bunch of things done- I ordered postcards for the Clambake, did other random stuff that had been longer, and I felt like I accomplished a lot.

I got a text from the Quantico guy this morning and he said that the date had changed for their filming. I asked him about the lights- which last night he said he would get back to me today about- and he just ignored my text.

Later I spoke to Steve and he said that they had also contacted the cemetery about using their dump area. That jerkwad. They will probably use them because their area is much more accessable from the road.

I feel like he's blowing me off now. But the good news is that the cemetery is trying to get more $ out of them so at least they will pay more for not choosing us!

For lunch I had the steak sandwich at about 2:30 and then I left work at 3:30 because I had to go to the Verizon store to get a new phone for Steve.

He had lost his phone a couple weeks ago and so I got a replacement and when I got home I restored it from a previous backup. The last backup was June 8th, so not very recent- but at least it was something.

I packaged it back up and then put it in a box to FedEx to him on Block Island. Dan got home from work around 5:30, just as I was finishing that up and when we went to the gym he dropped the box off at the FedEx drop box.

I spent the night cleaning up around the house. There were a lot of things that were a mess and so we tried to get things looking presentable!

It was stormy-looking outside tonight but we only got a little spurt of rain.

I went out to put the robot in the pool and I was shocked to see another algae bloom! We had just killed off the last one with algaecide and now this is back!? What's happening.... We never had this once last year! Maybe it has something to do with the heat but whatever it is we have to make sure we figure out how to prevent it.

I brushed the sides of the pool and then later on we shocked again. We were due to shock anyway.

For dinner, Dan made turkey burgers on the grill and while he was doing that I showered up.

I used the new grill brush to clean the grill off and t worked okay- it's not the best. It did a good job on one side of the grill but there were some really stuck-on pieces that wouldn't come off. That may have been because they were from a while ago. I will have to give this new thing another try next time and see how it does.

Anyway, we spent the night cleaning up the house
and now it's time for bed!!

Until tomorrow...

Goodnight. :)

The last five:
"stolen pikachu" - July 12, 2016
"niantic" - July 11, 2016
"met's game fun day" - July 10, 2016
"pokemon go" or "shameless" - July 10, 2016
HOLD - July 09, 2016