
Fun for the whole Family:

"No, It's a vicious lie!"



July 12, 2016 - 11:11 p.m.
"stolen pikachu"

Hey Journal!

Let me just tell you how irritated I am about an event that happened tonight! I was out taking a ride on my bike and I was SO excited when I encountered a WILD Pikachu! I stopped to take a photo, and then, of course, I caught it! As soon as that happened, my app froze and when I restarted it.... my Pikachu was gone! Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.

I went back several times with no success. I was so happy and then it was ripped away!

Okay, back up a little....

This morning I got up and headed off to work. The first thing I did was pick up where I left off yesterday with shredding papers from the filing cabinet. We had SO MANY useless files or really old paperwork that needed to be gotten rid of. I filled up another two giant bags of shreddings. It's insane, but this new shredder is really great.

Re came in around 10:00 and she did all of the daily closes and got everything caught up.

I spent the rest of the morning working on the payroll. There was a lot to do today. I realized that we're calculating overtime wrong when we are also paying for a holiday. Not to worry -- it's only happened a few times in the past and, when it has happened, it's resulted in one or two extra dollars being paid to a few employees. I fixed the issue today, and I'm going to try to work on a solution in the code before the next holiday rolls around!

At about 2:30, Dan's dad went out to play golf and Re and I ordered lunch. We ate out on the patio and it was a beautiful afternoon! It was really warm and not at all humid or disgusting.

When we got back downstairs, Re worked on preparing the cart sign holders for next week. We ran them through the dishwasher to make them nice and clean.

Our last project of the day was cleaning out the bottom three drawers of the filing cabinet in Re's office and making room for resigned membership folders. We took all of the boxes and crap out of the room and ATTEMPTED to get things under control. We made some good progress! Things are looking a lot better.

I left work at 5:00 and headed home. On the way I had to stop at Price Club to get some rolls for tomorrow's gathering and I also got peanut butter and a watermelon.

After getting the stuff I needed, I realized I had left something at work that I needed to get. I was stuck in terrible traffic on Commack Road because of an accident so I just turned around and came back, got it, and then went home.

I got home and had big plans for my evening. I had a lot to do and a little time to do it in but I tried to multitask! I had three loads of laundry to do tonight. One load was the comforter from our bed, then the bed sheets, and finally my clothes.

I put the first load in and then went out on a walk. I walked three miles AND found some Pokemon! Yesssss. The app said there was a Pikachu nearby, but it never showed itself to me. I tried the "nearby" thing, but I just couldn't find it.

When I got home from the walk, the wash was JUST finishing. I put the comforter in the dryer and then loaded the sheets. I got my bike out of the shed and headed out for a bike ride.

Just a few minutes into the ride, I found the elusive Pikachu.... but I already told you know that went. What a disappointment. :( I feel robbed!

The tires on my bike are a little flat but I don't think I have a pump. I know my mom had it when she gave me the bike to take home. I THOUGHT I had taken it but it's not around. I will have to ask her about that. I rode about two miles and then when I got home I had about 10 minutes until the wash was done. I took the comforter out of the dryer, put the sheets in the dryer, and the clothes into the wash!


I was about 10:00 by then, so I watched World News and reheated my pasta from Saturday. I ate, then headed upstairs to make the bed. It's a LITTLE later than I would have hoped for but not bad considering all I got done.

Dan is in Pennsylvania for work tonight. Just one night, though. He'll be back in the early afternoon and then we're having my cousins over for a little backyard BBQ after work.

Until tomorrow...

Goodnight. :)

The last five:
"pool day" or "short beach" - July 17, 2016
"jen b pool party" - July 17, 2016
"drunk summer friday" - July 16, 2016
"swampy walk" - July 14, 2016
"where have all the pokemon gone?" - July 13, 2016