
Fun for the whole Family:

"No, It's a vicious lie!"



July 13, 2016 - 10:46 p.m.
"where have all the pokemon gone?"

Hey Journal!

This morning work was pretty slow and I was happy to have some time to myself. I was all along until about 11:00 because Dan's dad was at a golf outing today.

Steve came in around 11 and had a conference call until almost 1. He's been away for the past few weeks, so I tried to get a bunch of stuff together to go over with him while he's here. He's leaving again tomorrow and may not be in for a while.

I went through some more of the old files that I've been trying to weed out. There are so ridiculous things that I found in the filing cabinet. My favorites are these file folders that have one random pamphlet or booklet inside. They are each labeled exactly what they are inside, but why would you need ONE folder for each booklet. It makes no sense!

This evening, we were supposed to have my cousins over for a little swimming and BBQ but they cancelled on us because the girls aren't feeling well. I was a bit disappointed because it would have been a nice day to go in the pool, and Dan was getting home early from work -- but in some ways it worked out for the best because we got to watch a bunch of TV shows and relax.

In the afternoon, Dan's dad came in after his golf outing and then went out on the course with Steve.

I got so much work done, it was crazy. I made new patches for the Labor Day banner, I ordered nametags, prepared some e-mails to send out to the members, and then I had to make signs for a road closure. We got an e-mail from the county about some upcoming road closures and I put together a sign and an e-mail to the members.

For lunch I didn't have anything other than the side from the employee meal. It was MASHED POTATOES! Amazing. We never have mashed potatoes and I love them so much.

The last night I did for the day was try to work on fixing a little glitch in out timeclock that doesn't correctly figure out overtime on holidays. It winds up paying a few dollars too much, and I want to get that fixed before the next holiday. I mean, I have a couple of months but I started working on it today and I think I'm ALMOST there!

I left work at 5 and headed home. I had a sandwich, and then Dan and I went out for a walk. Dan had gotten home from work early today -- he was in Pennsylvania for a meeting yesterday and then drove home this afternoon.

We walked around the neighborhood and I was disappointed because there were CONSIDERABLY less Pokemon than there were yesterday!

When we got home, I showered up and then made some MP Chicken for dinner. We watched World News, one episode of Shameless, and Monday's Major Crimes!

Now it's time for sleep!

Until tomorrow...

Goodnight. :)

The last five:
"sleepy monday" - July 18, 2016
"pool day" or "short beach" - July 17, 2016
"jen b pool party" - July 17, 2016
"drunk summer friday" - July 16, 2016
"swampy walk" - July 14, 2016