
Fun for the whole Family:

"No, It's a vicious lie!"



July 04, 2016 - 10:55 p.m.
"fourth of july"

Hey Journal!

What terrible weather we've been having. It's been so deceiving. I just am getting frustrated by how, even when it's supposed to be nice out, it's not. It feels like Summer just isn't here. Saturday was supposed to be in the mid 80s and it never hit 80. It was also really windy. Sunday was the best day of the three-day weekend, but it wasn't as hot as it was supposed to be and was kind windy, too. Monday was pretty good during the day -- nice and hot -- but then in the evening it got cold and windy again.

We just don't have any of those hot summer days with hot summer nights to go with them! I'm not saying I want them all the time but we need a few to remind us what summer is all about. We especially need it to STAY warm at night. That's one thing that really makes it feel like summer.

I remember all the times when I was little -- sleeping with the windows open and the fan on to keep us cool. We haven't had a night where we would do that this summer yet. In fact, on last night I wore long pajama pants because it was so cold!

This morning Dan and I got up at 9:30 and I tried to sleep a little more and managed to sleep until 10:30. When I came downstairs, we watched OITNB.

We had tentative plans to go to breakfast with Julio but he never got in touch with us so Dan and I decided to go by ourselves. We went to Javier's in Smithtown and today the wait outside was about 15 minutes. We decided just to eat inside because we were pretty hungry and last time the wait outside was much longer than they said it would be. Inside, there was no wait.

The food was really good again. I'm kinda torn because I hate the Maureen's Kitchen connection and I despise the no credit card thing, but their food was much better than it used to be.

After breakfast, we went home and got another water sample from the pool to bring to Leslie's. We went to a different location this time because yesterday they told us we had a high level of Copper in the water.

They tested again and found no copper at all. Ugh! What a pain in the ass. Now we have this stupid chemical to remove metal from the water that we don't even need. I knew that sounded fishy.

We did, however, have low pH so we had to add some Soda Ash! Before doing that, Dan and I went for a little swim. It was warm but still kinda breezy. I only went in up to my waist. We played some pool basketball and just relaxed for a bit.

We were outside for about 2.5 hours and then when we got out we backwashed the filter. We had a lot of green DE come out and it filled up the street. I figured it was a good day to do it because it's supposed to rain a lot tonight and will hopefully wash it away!

After the backwashing was complete we added new DE to the filter and did it super slowly because last time it clogged up the little basket in the pump.

Finally, we added the necessary amount of Soda Ash and left the filter running to circulate it all.

We also added a lot of water to the pool. The water level was getting really low so we needed to get it back up to a reasonable amount.

We went out to Panera to get some dinner and I used that $10 certificate I got from when I complained about the salt/pepper issue. I am happy to report that on today's visit they properly applied the salt and pepper to my sandwich! Yessss! I have a coupon for a free cookie that I need to use, too. I got it a long time ago but it has no expiration date. I want what's due to me! lol

Anyway, we also went to Bed, Bath, and Beyond after that to get a curtain rod thing. It's actually a valance rod. I found the old valance that we used to have in our kitchen and I wanted to put it up. We have no "window treatments" so I think we need to add a little life to the house. It makes it feel like someone lives there!

Our last stop of the evening was Target. They had a three-day sale, buy $50 of groceries and get a $10 gift card free. It was a pretty good deal so we made our way around looking for $50 worth of stuff we needed. There were also a ton of things on Cartwheel which saved us a ton of money! Good times.

I think they are starting to consolidate the Target and Cartwheel apps into one. Cartwheel deals now show up on the Target app but there's no barcode to have scanned at checkout yet. I'm not sure how I feel about it yet but I'm waiting to see what happens before I decide!

When we got home we put away our food and then took a walk. It was still warm out when we left but about halfway though it started to get really chilly and then windy.

Our neighbors a couple houses down were doing fireworks but they were so stupid. They were all out on the front lawn hanging out by their pick up trick setting them off. They were just those loud BANGS! They have absolutely no purpose other than making a stupid loud noise. It's obnoxious. A little later they did some nice colorful ones and that's not so bad. I just don't get the loud ones with nothing to see.

Luckily it started to rain around 10:00 and that must have prompted them to wrap things up for the night! Good timing!

Anyway, after our walk we watched last night's Pyramid. What a great game show. The celebrities they have on are really good at the game, too! (Well, with the exception of the guy on the first episode!)

As much as I love the original Match Game and I think it's my favorite gameshow of all time.... I think the Pyramid is the best of the new ABC remakes. It's the most like the original in that they didn't make it all stupid and sexual and weird for no reason.

We fit in half of an episode of OITNB and now it's time for bed because BACK TO WORK in the morning! On the bright side, at least it's only a four day week!

Until tomorrow...

Goodnight. :)

The last five:
"pokemon go" or "shameless" - July 10, 2016
HOLD - July 09, 2016
"clean up, clean up, everybody, everywhere" - July 07, 2016
"on location" - July 06, 2016
"day one of four" - July 05, 2016