
Fun for the whole Family:

"No, It's a vicious lie!"



September 10, 2016 - 12:46 a.m.
"first time again"

Hey Journal!

Well FRIDAY is finally here! I feel like this short week lasted twice as long as a regular week for some reason.

I felt like when it was time to get up for work this morning I had JUST fallen into the best sleep. I think the temperature was too warm in our bedroom for most of the night which is weird because we've had the same settings all summer and only this past week has it been warmer than usual overnight.

Anyway, the temperature at about 8am was perfect and I was so comfortable! Of course, that's right when my alarm went off and it was time to get ready for bed.

I had a jam-packed day of work today. Nothing groundbreaking happened but it was a full day!

When I got in, I had a bunch of random stuff to do and I started cranking it out. I had a whole list and by 10:30 I already felt like I was falling behind!

We got a lot of dues payments in today and I had a bunch of phone calls. I did wind up catching up on the stuff I had to do by late afternoon, though.

Around 1:00 I was feeling hungry so I had a bowl of Potato Leek soup. It was good, and I was still hungry after but I couldn't decide what I wanted to eat and, in the end, I wound up eating nothing!

As it got closer to the end of the day things quieted down a little but and I left the office and headed home at 5:00.

Surprisingly, there was no traffic on the way home and I pulled into the driveway at exactly 5:30. Before doing anything else, I had to get a haircut. It had been a LONG time since my last one and I was most definitely overdue. I wanted to keep the top a little longer but it didn't quite work out. I wound up getting my same-as-usual short haircut.

Dan went out for a walk and then showered up when he got home. We got ready and headed out to Cheesecake Factory for dinner.

So, tonight we went out with Scott who we haven't seen in YEARS. I'm not exactly sure when the last time we saw him was, but it was definitely a while before we sold our co-op. Maybe 2012?

Anyway, we met at Cheesecake and they said it would be about a half-hour wait for our table. We got a buzzer and then took a walk around the mall. We caught up on things that have happened since we last saw eachother and although a lot of stuff had happened for us and him, in so many way it seemed like nothing had changed.

We only took one quick lap around the mall and we weren't gone 15 minutes but when we got back they said that they had already called our table and we missed the buzzer. The girl said it would be another 15 minutes (which I think was BS because that was basically putting us back on the list again as a new entry instead of giving us the next table.) Anyway, it turned out to only be about 5 minutes so that was good.

We had dinner and caught up! We reminisced about old times and talked about what was new and stuff like that. I feel like I should have more to say but I don't know what!

I got the Crusted Chicken Romano and it was very enjoyable. I only ate about half of it so I took the rest home!

After we ate we went to Target because Dan and I wanted to get our eye solution while it was on sale. They had a $5 gift card offer and we had TWO $4 off coupons. That's a $13 savings which makes it basically buy one, get one free!

We walked around the store, perused the goods, and especially spent some time checking out the large clearance area they had. They are redoing that Target, too, and so things were all a little out of whack!

Next we dropped Scott back off at his car and headed home. So, I'm really glad we got to hang out again tonight and I'm looking forward to doing it again soon. I mean, much sooner than another 4 years!

Dan and I got home around 11:30 and we watched one episode of Shameless before bed. Of course, just when Fiona was starting to get back into my good graces, she goes and messes it all up again. She got married?! I can't even!

Alas, it's time for bed now and we have to get up early in the morning because we're going to the Bronx Zoo! First, we're going to watch Connor's baseball game and then we're going to the zoo. I haven't been there since I was really little and I don't remember much about it!

Should be a fun time!

Until tomorrow...

Goodnight. :)

The last five:
"the storm before the even bigger storm" or "new message fun" - September 14, 2016
"ios10" or "three days till dues" - September 13, 2016
"fall feels" - September 12, 2016
"end-of-summer walk" - September 11, 2016
"bronx zoo" or "african wild dogs" - September 10, 2016