
Fun for the whole Family:

"No, It's a vicious lie!"



September 13, 2016 - 11:08 p.m.
"ios10" or "three days till dues"

Hey Journal!

Wow! Today was a crazy-busy day at work. The deadline for the early dues is fast approaching and the heat is ON! Today was had so many members come in to take advantage of the discount AND a ton of online payments.

I was trying to keep up all day long. I don't think I left the office for more than a couple minutes all day today AND the one time I got up to go to the bathroom, I came out and found a member in the office trying to find me!

I got up this morning at the usual time and headed off to work. I got there a little before 9, probably the earliest I've gotten to work in months. I got settled in and did a few things for the bank before everything went crazy.

For lunch today I got the special steak tip sandwich.... or something like that. Kathleen heavily modified it so that it would suit my tastes. It was good but the bread it was on was really funky. It was like eating cardboard!

Despite the craziness there's not too much to say about it all. I left work at 5:00 and headed for home.

I stopped at Home Depot to get a new dimmer switch. I wanted to try a name-brand and more expensive dimmer to see if it would make the lights buzz less but it did not. I wound up changing back to the original one from Costco because I like it better. I'm going to have to return the Home Depot one.

Before coming home, I had to stop at Dan's parents' house to help them cover their pool. Dan was supposed to meet me there and have dinner but he got stuck at work doing a video shoot for some new product and he couldn't make it. We covered up the pool and then I helped them install their new DVR.

When I got home it was getting dark out already so I installed the new light switch before it got so dark that I couldn't see what I was doing!

Dan got home just as I was finishing up and he had the dinner that his mom gave me to bring home and then he went for a walk. I left for a bike ride while he was eating and did about 5.5 miles.

When I got home I showered up and then watched some TV. Dan got home, took his shower, and then we watched World News. I had a TV dinner and then a bowl of cereal.

Next, we watched Major Crimes! We were going to watch last night but the TiVo decided not to record it for some reason so we had to manually record it when it replayed immediately afterwards. Thankfully it was on again so we didn't have to wait until next week!

While I was watching TV I upgraded my phone to the all-new ios10! Very exciting, I know. I was actually shocked at how much faster it is. I was sure that it would be slower since I was installing a new, fancy operating system on a phone that's a little older and wasn't designed for it. It's actually A LOT faster.

There are a lot of little feature changes, upgrades, and updates but I think the one that will take the most getting used to is the new keyboard sound. I feel like it wasn't necessary to change and I liked the old one better. Having said that I'm sure it'll be the new normal soon enough. Another big change is that you don't "swipe to unlock" anymore which kinda a weird thing to remove. I mean, was that a problem? I don't think swiping for the camera is a much better option than swiping UP for the camera.

Anyway, now it's time for bed! It's been a long day but tomorrow is going to be even more intense at work and I'm sure I'll be tired after a big day of dues payments!

In other news, Dan is going to be in the city tomorrow night for work because he's chaperoning an event for some sales people who won a contest!

Until tomorrow...

Goodnight. :)

The last five:
"change of plans" or "walking dead: season 6" - September 18, 2016
"halloween decorations" - September 18, 2016
"hunger strike" - September 17, 2016
"dues deadline" or "kadabra" - September 15, 2016
"the storm before the even bigger storm" or "new message fun" - September 14, 2016