
Fun for the whole Family:

"No, It's a vicious lie!"



September 28, 2016 - 11:42 p.m.
"plot reconciliation continues" or "parma night"

Hey Journal!

Well, today was an intense day of plot reconciliation but I can say that I now see the light at the end of the tunnel!

This morning I got up at 9:00 and had to prepare for my meeting with Brian at the cemetery. We planned to meet at high noon and I wanted to have all my numbers in order so we could match everything up and set things straight.

I left the house around 11:30 but didn't realize that I needed to stop to get gas in my car. The warning came on yesterday on my way home!

So, I got my gas and then headed in. I arrived at 12:15 and I set up my computer and we got to work.

We went through every discrepancy line by line and did a little investigation into each one. Some were errors on Brian's sheet and some weren't recorded in my books.

I was there until 3:30 and it was really kinda intense. I was losing steam by the end because it was so draining. The good news is that we resolved all of the 2015 issues and I think we should have a final number for the accountant this week!

When I left, I came back to work. I was the only one in the office. I started making some of the corrections I wrote down earlier and then I realized I didn't have one of my note papers. I looked all over and it was nowhere to be found.

I freaked out a little about that and went back to the cemetery. It wasn't anywhere. I can't imagine where it went... I only walked to my car, where could it have disappeared to!?

I came back empty handed but, luckily, I had made small notations on my spreadsheet and so I was able to figure out which issues we had resolved and then I entered them. So, all was not lost.

I left work around 6:00 because I had to get some stuff done. I feel like this week has been a real mess so far and I needed to catch up on things that were falling behind!

When I got home I got ready for Parma Night! Dan was already at the gym and when he got home we waited for Kristen to collect us.

We arrived at the house of Parma at 7:45 where we had a reservation under the name "Cornelius!"

We were seated under the Pates Baroni picture and I felt that really made our evening all the more exciting.

I THOUGHT I was hungry but after a few bites I was stuffed! I had to take the extra Parma home but I also ate my entire Napoleon today!

We got home around 8:15 and tried to fit some TV in before bed. We watched one episodes of Walking Dead.

Then, Dan helped me some more with the plot stuff. I got an updated sheet from Brian and re-compared our numbers.

Now, finally, it's time for bed. I have a doctor's appointment in the morning so I can get a little more sleep which makes it a little bearable that I'm getting to bed so late!

Until tomorrow...

Goodnight. :)

The last five:
"caught up on the walking dead" or "mondaze" - October 03, 2016
"lazy sunday to recharge" - October 02, 2016
"karaoke in providence for dan's 33rd birthday" - October 02, 2016
"dinner at taryn's" or "machi koro" - October 01, 2016
"another quack" or "birthday celebration #3" - September 29, 2016