
Fun for the whole Family:

"No, It's a vicious lie!"



September 23, 2016 - 11:53 p.m.
"fuzzy day" or "green pool open, green pool close"

Hey Journal!

I feel like today at work was a total whirlwind and that I have no clear grasp of what I did all day! I also feel like this evening was weird because, while it was a Friday, Dan didn't get home until just a few minutes ago, so it totally didn't feel like a Friday.

Like I said, there's not much to say about my work day...the only notable mention is that we had a popcorn party in the afternoon. It was very good and really hit the spot!

I left work and got home shortly after 5:00. I realized that since the pool guys are coming tomorrow to close it down for the season, there were a few things that needed to be done. Of course, that turned into a big project! I went outside to lower the water level. That should have been pretty easy -- just turn the filter to 'waste' and let it go.

I went to do that and noticed that the backwash hose had a hole in it. It was spraying all over the place. I turned it off and got the Gorilla Tape and tried to patch it up. Luckily, that worked really well!

The next problem was that the lids for the filter baskets were mysteriously opened and one was missing. I have no idea who would have opened those things up.... it's really weird. I was able to see that one of them was at the bottom of the deep end of the pool. It was a little hard to see, but I could faintly make it out.

I had also put the robot into the pool to try to clean up some of the leaves and debris before we closed it up for the winter. The robot was doing its thing, but that also made the water cloudier as it stirred up some of the algae that was starting to grow. Now, I couldn't see the lid anymore and I couldn't fish it out.

There was also some sort of dead creature crusted onto the skimmer basket area. I left that alone for tonight.

I got the water as low as it was going to be for the night -- we decided to shock the pool one last time to make it a little better for closing. I turned the jets to face down, and then I did this I got a big splash of algae water right in my face! Ugh! It was a real mess.

Oh, and I forgot to mention... the mosquitos were eating me alive! It was insane. I was back there for a few minutes and they were swarming around me. I was swatting them away and one made my leg bleed like crazy! I had to come back inside, put on long pants and a jacket, and go back out.

So now, I was sweating like crazy and I was dripping wet from the water being sprayed in my face. It was just ridiculous.

I came inside and took a shower and then decided to go out to Wendy's for dinner! I went to the Wendy's and went inside. The guy at the counter entered my name into the computer as "GUY" and it printed out on my receipt. His name was Kyle. He was nice, but a little weird, too.

I had ordered a baked potato and, after waiting a few minutes, I heard them talking in the back. They said the potatoes wouldn't be ready for 18 minutes. Kyle emerged and told me that the potato would take 20 minutes. I told him it was no big deal but asked him for a refund for it.

He said okay but then just walked away. Someone else came over soon and gave me my potato money back.

As I was sitting down to eat, I heard some woman in the back yelling that there was ONE potato. They had one! I was just hoping, at this point, that they would let it die. I didn't want them to be like "do you still want this?" and to be honest, did I really want the one random potato that nobody knew existed. Not really. Luckily, they didn't ask me anything and I just ate my other stuff.

Next, I went to Target and did some perusing. I found a great shirt for work -- it was regularly 19.99, on clearance for 5-something, and then 20% off on Cartwheel! Niceeeeee! I also want to mention that I saw a new Halloween decoration. I'm not sure if we need it but it's called SISAL REAPER! It would go well with Sisal Mummy and Sisal Vampire!

When I got home, I did some laundry and watched TV. I watched Jeopardy! and then 20/20.

Dan just got home a little while ago and is taking a shower now!

Anyway, now we're going to watch an episode of Walking Dead before we get to bed and then head off for our weekend getaway!

Until tomorrow...

Goodnight. :)

The last five:
"plot reconciliation continues" or "parma night" - October 11, 2016
"33" - September 27, 2016
"debate monday" or "birthday countdown" - September 26, 2016
"coney island" or "birthday dinner" - September 25, 2016
"corn maze challenge" or "princeton" - September 25, 2016