
Fun for the whole Family:

"No, It's a vicious lie!"



November 16, 2016 - 10:51 p.m.
i can't stop eating

Hey Journal!

I feel like I can't stop eating. I've had so much food today -- it seems like more than normal! I had chicken noodle soup at work, then I had the open face steak sandwich, when I got home I had a cup-noodles, popcorn, steamed carrots, and then a bowl of cereal just now before bed.

Now that I've written it out, it doesn't sound like that much, but it really is more than I usually eat and I just kept eating more and more and kept feeling hungry! There were snacks in there, too. A chocolate bar at work, fruit snacks when I got home, pretzels...

This morning I got up and headed off to work. There was a lot of traffic on the Northern State which was annoying. I got to work and spent the morning doing random stuff.

We sent out an e-mail today about the photos we're trying to sell in the golf shop. Hopefully this will drum up some interest because we have so many more we need to sell!

I tried to catch up on reconciling some of the bank accounts and I was actually able to get a lot of work done. I did a few months of Paypal accounts, and I'm pretty caught up on everything else.

I also spent some time working on generating letters for the social members who still have credit they can use by the end of the year. We like to remind them that if they don't use it by the end of December, it's gone!

It was a really nice day out today and I took a walk outside, only for about 2 minutes, just to see the sun!

Mike came by in the afternoon to check out the problem with the leak at the bar. He said it's because we need a "cricket" by the chimney to prevent water from pooling up there. He said the one that was there was all destroyed. It probably has been that way for a while but we just got so much rain yesterday that it didn't have anywhere else to go!

I also tried to spend some time getting caught up on CPC issues. We had a few churches waiting for deeds so I got all the paperwork over to the cemetery. They are a little backed up, though, so it may take them a while to get to what i just sent over.

I left at 5:00 and headed home. I watched some TV and showered up. I haven't waited the news since the election. This is big for me. I have watched the news on channel 7, EWN and WN, pretty much every day that I'm home for as long as I can remember! I just can't bring myself to watch it anymore. At least not right now. I feel like I have mixed feelings. I don't want to watch it because I don't want to see anything about the current state of affairs. I also don't want to watch it because, in a way, I feel like I was let down by them. I feel like they didn't report the news, I feel like they messed everything up.

Anyway, after my shower I watched a couple of episodes of Girls. It's been a while since I'd last watched it. I had forgotten that I usually catch up on it when Dan's away.

I just watched some Judge Judy and now it's time to get to bed!

Until tomorrow...

Goodnight. :)

The last five:
"thanksgiving week" - November 21, 2016
"late to rise" or "slow breakfast" - November 20, 2016
"joe's birthday surprise" or "mohegan sun" - November 19, 2016
smoke alarm madness - November 18, 2016
too much to do, too little time - November 17, 2016