
Fun for the whole Family:

"No, It's a vicious lie!"



November 21, 2016 - 10:31 p.m.
"thanksgiving week"

Hey Journal!

Welcome back to another work week! I keep forgetting that this week is a SHORT holiday week... it totally doesn't feel like it but I'm so looking forward to it!

This morning I got up and headed off to work. It was a quiet day in the office, mostly because we were closed. NOTHING at all work-related happened today. I mean, I did work, but nobody called or stopped by or caused any more work for me. So I just did random stuff at my desk and they day went by quickly.

I used this opportunity to close out all of the previously un-closed months in the computer. The only real reason to do this is that the more open months there are the longer it takes for each register to close out, so this should really speed things up.

I also worked really hard on making a website to allow the social members to renew their memberships online. In previous years they have had to fill out a paper and mail it back. That's a little bit of a pain in the ass so I figured this would be more effective.

The website is all ready and it's actually functional -- the only thing I still have to do is set up the post-process database modifications. I will hopefully get some time later in the week to do that and then we'll be all set for January!

I left work at 4:00 and headed home. I spent some time cleaning up the house and then Dan got home. He went right to the gym. I showered up and then we had Dominos for dinner. I bought a $50 discount gift card online because I'm tired of getting the $20 ones and always running out!

We watched some Jeopardy! while we ate and then we watched Shameless and one episode of Teen Wolf!

That's all for tonight! Time for bed. Until tomorrow...

Goodnight. :)

The last five:
"the wedge" or "brian and dan taxi service, will work for soft pretzels" - December 27, 2016
"power failure" or "black friday" - November 26, 2016
happy thanksgiving - November 25, 2016
thanksgiving tomorrow - November 23, 2016
"one day until four days off" or "the search for a new superintendent" - November 22, 2016