
Fun for the whole Family:

"No, It's a vicious lie!"



November 25, 2016 - 1:15 a.m.
happy thanksgiving

Hey Journal!

Happy Thanksgiving! It's hard to believe that it's already over!! We got up this morning around 8:30 and Dan went out to the store to get the newspaper so that we could look through all of the Black Friday circulars! He also brought home breakfast from the deli.

We watched the parade and ate. We didn't watch ALL of the parade because it was really kinda boring. I feel like there were no famous people we really knew or cared about at all. Another thing that bothered me was that their little descriptions of each parade float or balloon or performance was SO CHEESY AND SO SCRIPTED. Like, obviously they're going to pre-write the stuff and they are going to read it but these are professional broadcasters! Why can't they sound less like they're reading a script!? It's so annoying!

Dan and I spent some time cleaning up downstairs. We had a lot of things to put away and get sorted so we did that in preparation for our Christmas decorating later this weekend!

I showered up after that and then we began our big mashed potato adventure. We had two 5lb bags of potatoes and we were making them all for today's meal. We started by feeling them -- one of my favorite jobs! Sadly, I wasn't able to do all of them because my write was really bothering me. I don't think I mentioned it but last night, after getting out of the shower, I slammed my wrist in the the wall while putting on my shirt. There was a shooting pain up and down my arm and now hurts most when I'm bending my wrist.

I have one of those little wrist brace things and it's been helping to keep me from doing that today.

Anyway, back to the potatoes. Once they were all peeled we cut them into quarters and then boiled some water. We followed a recipe we found online and we boiled them for about 15 minutes and then mashed them using the beater. We added in 3/4 of a stick of butter and 2.5 cups of milk but we heated those together on the stove first.

They came out really well. We did one bag at a time since the pot wasn't big enough to boil them all at once. So we repeated that twice and then we were all set!

We got dressed and ready to go and my mom came to collect us at 2:45.

We arrived at Dan's parents' house at 3:00 and Dan's Grandma who pulled up just as we were walking in.

So, that was our day. We hung out around their house, had a nice time, and then we ate dinner. My mom brought stove top stuffing and I ate turkey, stuffing, corn, and of course our famous mashed potatoes.

We played a round of Taboo after dinner -- just me, Dan, my mom, and Dan's mom. Dan and I won!

At about 9:30 we headed home and then it was time for our newly formed Thanksgiving tradition of having Kristen over afterwards to sit around listening to Fiddle music and just talk about life.

Kristen arrived at about 9:45 and I set up the bluetooth speaker with some music. I was searching for fiddle music but couldn't find any until I realized that the station was called "Fiddle Fever!" Amazing. It was such excellent music.

We had some drinks and really enjoyed the evening. Great times! We hung out and talked AND we found a colonial-type experience thing in Virginia where you can be immersed in the life of the early settler! We REALLY want to do it. It's this summer for a weekend and it's only about $125pp! What a deal! (They charge $25 to rent clothes of the period -- if you don't have your own!)

So, Kristen departed around 1:00 and we are currently preparing for bed. It's been a long day and even though we didn't DO all that much -- mostly sat around -- I feel very tired. Perhaps I feel more tired from not doing anything than actually doing things!

Until tomorrow...

Goodnight. :)

The last five:
"torrential tuesday" or "grandma's iphone" - Tuesday 29, 2016
decorating our new tree - November 28, 2016
long weekend comes to a close - November 27, 2016
"the wedge" or "brian and dan taxi service, will work for soft pretzels" - November 27, 2016
"power failure" or "black friday" - November 26, 2016