
Fun for the whole Family:

"No, It's a vicious lie!"



November 05, 2016 - 1:56 a.m.
"the tire with no car attached" or "viva la vida"

Hey Journal!

Happy Friday! I'm so glad it's finally the weekend!

I got up this morning and headed off to work. The morning was quiet in the office but it got a little busier as the day went on. It was nice outside today but not nearly as nice as it was yesterday! It was back to being chilly and more fall-like!

For the past few days I've had this really annoying pain in my neck that won't go away. I don't know where it came from but it hurt from my ear down to my neck. It felt like the muscle in there was a little tense and it hurts when I move my neck, press on it, or even when I swallow and chew. It's weird.

Before work today I put one of those Icy Hot patches on it and that really seemed to help it. It made it all tingly for a while and right now it's feeling a lot better, although it's not perfect. It's actually bothering me a little more now than it was the past few hours.

First thing in the morning at work a couple came in to join the club. At first I thought they were just looking for some membership information but then I realized there were ready to go! I brought them the application, got them signed up, and that was a pretty good start to the day!

When Steve go tin to work I had to help him set up a new Apple ID for his phone. He was sharing his with Marilyn and that wasn't working out so well because they would keep getting eachother's text messages and also couldn' each download their own music. So, I set up their Family Sharing and got their accounts separated!

I worked some more on the daily closes and then for lunch I had an AMAZING meal! The employee meal of the day was Chicken Parm Pasta! It was this big chafing dish with penne and sauce and cheese and big pieces of chicken in it. It was a really great meal and I hope they put this one into the rotation more often! It was excellent!

Later on, just before I was about to leave to go home, two members got into a big fight out on the golf course and they came inside and started screaming at eachother and almost start hitting eachother. It was ridiculous. Apparently, one of them hit their ball too close to where the others were playing and they just couldn't control themselves.

Eventually they calmed down and as soon as that incident was over, I departed!

I left at 4:45 and headed home. As I was driving home, I had quite the weird experience.

I was driving north on the Sagtikos, just north of the Northern State and before the exit for 454. I looked over into the southbound lanes and saw a CAR TIRE rolling down the road -- WITH NO CAR ATTACHED. It was going pretty fast and was right in the middle of the center lane of traffic. There were other cars on the road and I was afraid that one of them might hit it! It was definitely not safe!

I called 911 and they connected me to the State Police and I informed them of the situation. A little further up the road I saw a mini-van pulled off on the side of the road and it had no front tire! I guess that one belonged to him! Meanwhile, I totally do not understand how your tire comes off and starts rolling down the highway! I mean, it if just came off, it would hit the wheel well... and it couldn't even JUST COME OFF! It would have to fall to the side.... and like... do tires JUST COMES OFF ANYWAY!? I can't imagine how this could have happened!

Dan passed by about 15 minutes later on his way home and he said he didn't see any sign of the tire but he DID see the mini-van with its missing tire. He didn't see any police, either -- so I don't know how effective my call was!

When I got home I watched the news and Dan went out for a walk! We had to hurry the night along because we had plan to go to dinner with Re and we had to leave here around 7.

We left to house at 7:05 and headed off to Re's apartment. We arrived around 7:40 and then left shortly after to go to Viva La Vida for dinner!

We had a reservation but our table wasn't quite ready when we arrived. The owner was really wild and very friendly. He told us his daughter's name was Kristen also and he talked to us for a little while.

For dinner I got the Arroz con Pollo and I asked for it with boneless chicken and no sausage. It was very good but, unfortunately, they forgot to withhold the sausage. Ugh! It wasn't terrible with it in there but I would have prefered not to have it. Maybe next time. The odd thing about the place is that the lights flicker constantly. It's so weird!

When we were done eating we went to Target and walked around. We checked out the clearance Halloween items and, although I really wanted to buy something, I wasn't able to find anything good. The costumes were 90% off and the candy was 50% off.

I did get a Wifi range extender because we have some problems with the 5Ghz signal reaching all over the house. I am going to give it a try to see if it helps the situation. Meanwhile, it was cheaper at Best Buy so I had to go over to customer service to have the price matched. It was an easy process and well worth it.

We came back to Re's after that and then watched tonight's episode of Shark Tank. After that we came home and I showered up.

Now it's time for bed! Until tomorrow...

Goodnight. :)

The last five:
"askew" - November 10, 2016
- - December 09, 2016
"christmas llama" or "election eve" - December 07, 2016
"marathon party" or "eileen from ronkonkoma" - November 06, 2016
"the most amazing halloween mask" - November 06, 2016