
Fun for the whole Family:

"No, It's a vicious lie!"



December 29, 2016 - 10:30 p.m.
happy 13 years to us

Hey Journal!

Well, today is a very special day. It's our 13th Anniversary! Very exciting.

I can't believe that it's been THIRTEEN YEARS! That went by so quickly... but we've done a lot in that time so I think we've done pretty well!

Today started out pretty typically... I woke up at the usual time and headed off to work. Dan had the day off again -- he took the whole week off.

I was so busy today at work! There was just so much stuff to get taken care of in the office. I want to get everything closed out and cleaned up before the end of the year so that I can start fresh with all the winter projects I want to get done.

In the afternoon, the chef came in to tell me there was a leak in the laundry room. I went to check it out and after following the pipes, I was sure it was coming from the big bowl above the leak. I got the ladder to investigate ruther and it turns out it was that one of the drain pipes that feeds into the bowl was pointed slightly too far to the edge of the bowl and whenever a rush of water would come down the pipe, it would just come out and over the bowl.

The chef got up there and redirected the errant hose and then he sprayed the whole fitting with "Leak Seal." We weren't 100% sure that the fitting on the bottom was securely in place so that was a good way to make sure that was taken care of.

After that I had to spend the rest of the day trying to get an estimate of Steve's plot sales for 2016. His accountant needed a number to work with because last year he underestimates and that caused problems.

I finished up and then left work at 5:00.

Dan had told me had didn't want me to come home from work early today because he was preparing something special. I was excited to see what was in store.

I left work at 5 and headed home. When I got home, I was a little surprised to see that nothing was happening. Dan made dinner, but other than that -- it was kinda business as usual. We ate watching TV and I was hoping for a little something more!

After dinner we decided to go out for dessert to add a little something to the evening. First, Dan decided we should go on a drive to some random places. The first stop was the Hospital where we went to use the bathroom the first night we met. While we were there that night, the urinal in the corner made the loudest noise when flushed! It was INSANE! We went into the hospital again tonight and located that same bathroom. It was just like it was back then. The only thing was -- they've since fixed the urinal. It DOES NOT make that noise anymore!

We made a few more stops at some historical landmarks in the lives of Brian and Dan and then we ended the night at Friendly's to get some ice cream. I got the conehead! Yess!

While we were there, I was trying to remember a time when I was at the Commack Friendly's with Re. It was just the two of us and I didn't remember how we wound up there! I knew I was drunk -- and I couldn't figure that out, either. I texted Re and she didn't remember and just now I finally figured it out. It was January 31, 2014.

Anyway, after we had our dessert, we came home and I finished up the laundry.

Now it's almost time for bed! I'm just going to get my phone which I THINK I left downstairs and then I'm off to sleep!

Until tomorrow...

Goodnight. :)

The last five:
"off and running in 2017" or "christen's graduation" - January 03, 2017
twilight zone and 2 for 23s - January 02, 2017
welcome, 2017 - January 02, 2017
the last day of 2016 - December 31, 2016
"who's most likely" or "scrawl" - December 31, 2016