
Fun for the whole Family:

"No, It's a vicious lie!"



January 02, 2017 - 10:19 p.m.
twilight zone and 2 for 23s

Hey Journal!

Well, this is our last day off before heading back to work. The long weekend went way too fast for me and Dan's 10-day break went quickly for him as well. Tomorrow it's back to the same old work! I have a few new-year related things to take care of but I think that should keep me busy this week.

Today we got up around 10:30 or so and watched some Price is Right followed by some Twilight Zone. Dan got to watch his favorite episode, A Stop at Willoughby! We took it easy this afternoon and, at about 3:00, we headed out to the mall. We wanted to return that sweatshirt from Macy's and get something we actually wanted. We looked at the clothes but we couldn't find anything we actually wanted and the things we KINDA wanted were ridiculously overpriced.

We wound up settling on a teapot. Our old one is a little annoying and gets SO HOT that you can't even tough it when you use it. We found a nice out but when we got home we realized it had been used and was all scratched up and weird inside. Gotta bring that back, too.

We walked around the mall quickly, did a little Pokemon hunting, and then departed for dinner.

Dan had tallied up all of our gift cards and so we decided to use our Applebee's one tonight. We had a $10 Bonus card to use, too... and that one was time sensitive. We didn't want to let it go to waste!

We did the 2 for $23 and I got the steak with a baked potato and fries. It was good. I've recently come to like Applebee's more than I did in the past. Not sure what it is, but I have a new appreciation for it.

After we ate we went over to Target to pay our Target bill and while we were there we found some good .30 ornaments on clearance. There were a few baskets sitting around and people were picking through them and the one I started picking though turned out to be some lady's basket of random junk she was buying! It looked just like the carts with heaps of clearance items!! Oops!

There was also a group of kids there -- probably high-schoolish, and they were riding around on the little scooter thing. They were having a good time with it and it looked fun. I'm kinda thinking to myself about why I have never done that!

When we got home we watched the first episode of the final season of Teen Wolf. I'm a little confused but I'm sure I'll like it. I don't think it's ever really let me down. I'm also glad that I know going into it that it's the final season!

I took a shower after that and then we watched more Twilight Zone... it was an hour long episode this time!

And here we are....the present. I'm sitting here writing my journal and as soon as I finish I'm off to bed!

Until tomorrow...

Goodnight. :)

The last five:
unexpected snowday - January 08, 2017
"the ball exam" or "plot calculations" - January 06, 2017
snow coming? - January 05, 2017
"leg pain" - January 04, 2017
"off and running in 2017" or "christen's graduation" - January 03, 2017