
Fun for the whole Family:

"No, It's a vicious lie!"



January 05, 2017 - 10:13 p.m.
snow coming?

Hey Journal!

Well, I didn't think it was going to happen so soon but there's SNOW in the forecast for tomorrow. I hadn't heard ANYTHING at all about this until Steve was leaving work today and mentioned it to me in passing!

I just looked at the info online for the first time and it looks like we're supposed to get 1-3 inches and that it may be ending around 7am. That's good, I guess. Hopefully it will be on the low side and maybe we can get it over with before I even wake up for work!

I am going to try to make a doctor's appointment at 8:30am when I get up (assuming there's anyone there to answer the phone!) I'm still having some unusual pain in my groin/leg area and I want to just have the peace of mind for the weekend that it was looked at.

I got to work this morning and had a bunch of stuff to get done. I tried to make my way through the pile and get as much done as I could. Originally, Steve wasn't going to come in today but then he called to say he had decided to come in for a few hours.

He asked me to call Karen so that he could talk to us both. I got Karen on the phone just before Steve walked in so she waited on the phone until he made his way to the office and then we went in to talk. Basically, the whole point of the call was that we're now going to be selling the plots for a little more money than we were in the past.

After our call with Karen, I talked to Steve for a while about a whole bunch of random things I'm planning to do over the winter, about a bunch of different stuff. We talked about painting the office and new security cameras and Steve's leaving for Italy next week and we talked about his plans for the trip, about my previous trips to Europe, and just random stuff. It was a nice conversation.

When I came out of his office, I had more stuff piled on my desk! Some members had dropped off their dues payments and I had a bunch of voicemails to check.

We actually got a lot of dues payments overnight! I was shocked to see how many. I have no idea why they all decided to pay -- but I'm really glad they did. Come to think of it, I didn't ring up the two payments that were left on my desk, so I'll have more to add tomorrow.

For lunch I had the steak sandwich and then I finished up some work I had to do and left at about 4:30.

I got home and cleaned up the house a little. I used the Swiffer to get dust bunnies out from under the bed.

When Dan got home he went right out to the gym and I watched some Judge Judy and had a chicken pot pie for dinner.

I showered up after that and when Dan got home we watched an episode of Judge Judy, then Teen Wolf, and then part of this week's Baking Show. I was feeling tired so we stopped after the first segment but we'll pick up where we left off this weekend.

Now I'm off to bed! Until tomorrow...

Goodnight. :)

The last five:
crazy paint day - January 07, 2017
let the painting party begin - January 09, 2017
remember sneak king? - January 08, 2017
unexpected snowday - January 08, 2017
"the ball exam" or "plot calculations" - January 06, 2017