
Fun for the whole Family:

"No, It's a vicious lie!"



January 08, 2017 - 10:29 p.m.
remember sneak king?

Hey Journal!

Well, I didn't leave the house today. I was feeling much better this morning -- my leg and groin areas were not hurting at all and I was pretty sure I was on the mend. Of course, later in the day the pain came back and so I'm currently drying to drive it away again. I was feeling so good that it was finally subsiding and now it's back so I'm just worried all over again.

We didn't get to sleep until about 2:30am last night but we got up kinda early -- around 9:30. We came downstairs and watched some TV and then did some more of the puzzle we started last night. It's a hard one! We got some goods sections done though and made some progress.

Dan made some eggs for breakfast and then he went on the treadmill. When he was done, we watched some Teen Wolf and now we're completely caught up. This is the final season! Yikes.

Since we had no more TV shows to catch up on, we started watching Westworld. A lot of people have recommended that to us over the past few months so we thought we'd give it a try. We watched the first two episodes.

Later on, Dan went to the gym and while he was gone I had my leftovers from Cheesecake Factory and then I passed the time by playing Seak King on the XBOX. What an amazing and WEIRD game! It's so freaking weird. I can remember the night we got it -- it was MANY years ago and we got it from the drive through at the Burger King in Stony Brook.

Basically, you sneak around and try to surprise hungry people with Burger King products! It's a very very strange game and I don't think we played it much when we first got it. I played it tonight for about 30 minutes and I found a level we hadn't gone to before! I love it. It's such a WEIRD game which is what makes it so amazing.

I showered up and then when Dan got home from the gym he made dinner for himself and then he played a round of Sneak King before we watched the third episode of Westworld. I don't know how I feel about the show. I feel like it's a little boring, a little slow moving, and I don't find myself that interested to find out what happens next. Dan seems to like it a little more than me. I'm sure we'll give it a few more episodes because we don't have many shows on now so it's easy to find the time for it.

I didn't leave the house at all today. Usually I feel like i'd be going stir crazy but I needed today to keep resting up and feeling better from my weird mystery pain. I'm happy to report that although there were a few periods of pain today it feels better right now and I'm hoping a good night's sleep will leave my feeling much better in the morning!

At work in the morning the carpet cleaners are coming and the hood cleaners are coming and the air conditioning/heating guys are supposed to be stopping by so it'll be a busy day of babysitting people.

Anyway, now we're off to bed! Until tomorrow...

Goodnight. :)

The last five:
"medicine kicking in" or "did you know this world is a test?" - January 14, 2017
urologist and ultrasound - January 12, 2017
"crane oh crane" or "office color change" - January 11, 2017
crazy paint day - January 07, 2017
let the painting party begin - January 09, 2017