
Fun for the whole Family:

"No, It's a vicious lie!"



February 23, 2017 - 11:09 p.m.
papers in the wind

Hey Journal!

Tonight's pain update is really good. I have had ALMOST no pain all day. I woke up feeling great, felt great for most of the day at work, and had only small twinges. When I got home, I had a few more twinges, but nothing terrible. Then I put ice on my leg and they got better. Now I have a few small twinges, but overall, today has been on par with that one Monday a few weeks ago where I felt much better. I'm super happy but that's also kinda what scares me. I mean, I felt like this weeks ago and now look where I am -- same place. So let's just hope this is really the beginning of heading in the right direction.

Work went really fast today -- but that may be because I spent so much time away from it! I got in and did some things, and cranked out all the stuff I had to get done for the day.

Today was Steve's first day back from vacation so I knew there would be something to do when he got in, however, it turned out much differently than I expected. When steve got in he came in my office and told me that he had accidentally left a pile of tax papers on the roof of his car and then driven to work! He couldn't go back because he had an important phone call so he asked me to go to his house and see if they were there in the driveway -- or anywhere else between home and work! YIKES!

I headed over to his house and when I got there I was expecting to find papers strewn all of the place... but there wasn't anything to be found! I drove around a little, tried to retrace his route, but didn't see any sign of anything.

I went back to Steve's house and looked in the windows. Like a prowler. I was peering inside looking to see if I saw a pile of papers sitting around that he may have left on the kitchen table or something! I didn't see anything there, either!

After searching, I met up with Kristen at Panera in Huntington for lunch! I had a hard time finding a parking spot -- the parking lot was insanely crowded and every time someone would leave, I would be in the wrong place and someone else would snatch it. Finally, I went out and parked on the street and as I was walking in, about three spots opened up! Insane!

Anyway, we had a nice lunch -- I got the Cream of Chicken and Wild Rice soup! Wahoo. We conversed and hung out and I even got a free "birthday cookie!"

I got back to work around 2:00 and finished up all the stuff I needed to get done. Before I knew it, it was 3:45 and Lauren was leaving. I was shocked at how quickly the day had flown by!

I left work at 5 and stopped at Target on the way home to get Baby Powder. They still didn't have any in stock which was quite annoying!

I came home and took bath but there was no hot work! UGH! I really hate the hot water situation in this house -- it only has enough hot water if you run it briefly about an hour before you actually want it.

After my shower, I cleaned the bathtub. I used a Target Gift Card to scrape the sides of the tub and this gross film came off. I feel like it's SUPER clean now!

When Dan got home he went to the gym and I watched Judge Judy and some shows while eating dinner.

When Dan got back we watched Major Crimes, The Middle, and The Flash!

Now it's time for bed!

Until tomorrow...

Goodnight. :)

The last five:
"loaner dropoff" or "steaks for dinner" - February 28, 2017
"loaner car" or "ultrasound take two" - February 27, 2017
"roadhouse dinner" - February 26, 2017
"blood drawn" or "grandma's blue emu" - February 26, 2017
brownstone awkward - February 24, 2017