
Fun for the whole Family:

"No, It's a vicious lie!"



February 22, 2017 - 11:05 p.m.
never enough hours in the day

Hey Journal!

Tonight's pain report is that things are...a little better. Better than last night, I'd say. Today at work I tried to stand for a lot of the day. I also sat on Jackie's big exercise ball and it may have helped. Her reasoning was that it would keep me from sitting with my legs bent completely, and it may have helped because I didn't have much pain when I got home from work. I took a warm bath to see if that helped any further, and I used ice after that. It went away completely for about 45 minutes while I was using the computer and watching some TV but is coming back a bit now.

This morning I got up and headed off to work. I stopped at the PO Box to get the mail but realized I didn't have my key with me! Oops!

At work, I called all the Pelican leads we had gotten while I was away. There were a LOT. I spoke to some people and left messages for others but I'm hoping that tomorrow's warm weather will spark some interest not only from THEM but also from new people. It would be great to get a little flurry and sign up a few more members before the end of the month!

I caught up on all my voicemails and stuff, and spent the day doing things around the office.

I also worked on the Flat Stanley project Re asked me to do... I got a bunch of pictures on our trip and today I put them together into a little book!

The day went by pretty quickly and I had lunch around 1:30. I had the open faced steak sandwich and sat at the bar and watched Family Feud.

I left work around 4:30 today and I was happy to get home early so I could have a little extra time to get things done. We've been so overwhelmed since we got back from our vacation. I just feel like there aren't enough hours to catch up on all the shows we recorded while we were away, all the things we're supposed to be doing around the house, all the things I have to do -- I have a doctor's appointment coming up and I can't remember what day it is and I have to get a bunch of tests done beforehand, I have to bring my car to get its inspection. Ugh! So many things to do.

So, I made my hot-tub bath while Dan was at the gym, then showered up and worked a little on the video of our cruise stuff!

When Dan got home, we watched some shows -- tonight we fit in SHIELD, Real O'Neals, and Judge Judy.

Ugh! We're still so far behind. We have like 3 episodes of Scandal, another episode of The Middle, three or four Quanticos, and more! UGH UGH UGH! Isn't it supposed to be fun watching all these shows?

Now it's time for bed, it's late, and I'm exhausted!

Until tomorrow...

Goodnight. :)

The last five:
"loaner car" or "ultrasound take two" - February 27, 2017
"roadhouse dinner" - February 26, 2017
"blood drawn" or "grandma's blue emu" - February 26, 2017
brownstone awkward - February 24, 2017
papers in the wind - February 23, 2017