
Fun for the whole Family:

"No, It's a vicious lie!"



April 02, 2017 - 1:01 a.m.
jen b game night

Hey Journal!

This morning Dan and I got up around 10:30 or so and watched TV for a little while.

We decided to go to Chipotle for lunch and, before we left, I went online and bought a discount gift card! I got 17% off! That's pretty great! I feel like we REALLY REALLY have to check online for discount gift cards before we buy anything! It's such an amazing way to save!

We went to the relatively new Chipotle over in Hauppauge. The thing I like most about it is that there is never a crazy line like the OTHER one in Hauppauge! Lunch was good! I got my usual steak/rice bowl.

After that we went to the mall to take a walk around. We figured we hadn't been there in a while so we were due to make our rounds. Tweed was there, of course. It's really wild to think that she's been there for soooo many years! I mean, it's kinda strange -- I don't think there's anyone else I could say I've seen at the mall almost every time we've been there over the past ten years. Also, nobody that I know of who has worked there THAT long! I am still sooo curious about her life, though. She's such a mystery to me.

Dan got a new shirt in XXI. I picked it out -- as I often do there. At first, he didn't like it but after trying it on he did and decided to get it. It has chicken and waffles all over it.

On the way home we went to Target and I got more epsom salts for my bath. I decided to get two bags this of the Lavender and another with Spearmint and Eucalyptus! Fancy!

When we got home, we watched some TV and then I took my bath/shower.

At about 6:45 we left to go over to Jen B's house for the evening. We had a fun time hanging out. Those present were Re, Allie, Alana, Robby, and Phil. Of course, Jen B and Lisa were there, too...since it's their house!

We hung out, watched their wedding video, and then we played some games! We started with Scrawl! That was a lot of fun. We had two too many people, but we just skipped the last two drawers on each round and it worked out fine. It wasn't a problem.

We rounded out the evening by playing a few rounds of PIT! I know I like that game but every time I play it I remember just how amazing it is! Dan played a trick on everyone one round and decided to withhold one of each card, making it impossible for anyone to win! We were all so frustrated because we kept getting OATS! Ugh!

We left Jen B's around 12:30 and now here we are! I'm pretty tired so I'm gonna get to sleep....

Until tomorrow...

Goodnight. :)

The last five:
"new speakers all around" or "+/- -/+" - April 06, 2017
"fabric and mulch" or "new speakers" - April 05, 2017
"mulch" or "super coupon" - April 04, 2017
"cpc flyers all around" or "already monday" - April 03, 2017
"walking dead disappointment" or "rosebud" - April 02, 2017