
Fun for the whole Family:

"No, It's a vicious lie!"



April 05, 2017 - 10:09 p.m.
"fabric and mulch" or "new speakers"

Hey Journal!

Today was a busy day at work! I got up and headed in and it all started with the payroll. I had done most of it yesterday and last night but there were so many changes, so many adjustments, and so many weird things that I really had to make sure it was correct! I also had to talk to Steve about the "spread rule." It's a really annoying and frustrating part of the law that is very complicated for us. Making it more confusing, it applies to some of our employees and not all of them, and figuring out which ones was today's task.

After I finished with that, the speakers we had ordered for the restaurant were finally delivered!

I spent some time playing with them and trying to see just how hard it would be to install them myself. I took a spare ceiling tile and I used a steak knife to cut a hole in one. After making a mess the first time and crumbling the tile, I got the hang of it. I did it over a bucket and it was perfect -- it was so easy to cut with the knife.

Tomorrow, Nicky is coming to help install the rest!

The day went by quickly and I headed home at about 4:30. I had to stop at Home Depot on the way home to get some wire to secure the speakers to the ceiling. This way, if the tile cracks, or if there's a leak or something, the speaker won't fall onto someone's head!

Dan wanted to work on putting down the fabric we bought at Price Club this past weekend and also put down some of the mulch tonight. I had a short time to work on it when I got home so I went right outside and got started before Dan got home.

I raked some of the leaves out of the one area we wanted to do and then started laying out the fabric. Dan came home and came out to help. We rolled out the fabric, pinned it in place, and then cut holes for the sprinklers and the plants. It was pretty easy considering. We made good time, too.

Dan carried the big bags of mulch in and we spread that around nicely! It looks REALLY good! I was impressed! The idea is that weeds can't grow through this fabric and so we SHOULD have less weed problems this year. The only downside is that we can't do the fabric around the whole pool because it's just too hard with all the plants there! So, we'll still have SOME weeds to deal with!

I had to head inside at 6:40 and left home at 6:45 for the Star Treatment!

The star was very very talkative today and usually I feel like I'm trying to get some quiet moments in but today I was all chatty. We talked about my cruise, her trip to Florida, California, and how election day was a terrible day for her family. I told her it was bad for us, too.

When I got home, I got right upstairs and started drawing my bath! I threw in the spearmint salt, and then dunked in.

When I was done showering up, Dan and I watched Major Crimes! Good episode... next week is the season finale -- they did a two-parter! I like it and I'm just glad they didn't do a 15 parter like last season, or whatever that was!

Now it's time for bed! Until tomorrow...

Goodnight. :)

The last five:
"membership game strong" or "dan's cupping experience" - April 10, 2017
"aunt chickie's 90th birthday" or "walkway over the hudson" - April 09, 2017
"free lawn food" or "too cold to mulch" - April 08, 2017
"you look like a real idiom" or "sick puppy" - April 07, 2017
"new speakers all around" or "+/- -/+" - April 06, 2017