
Fun for the whole Family:

"No, It's a vicious lie!"



April 10, 2017 - 9:53 p.m.
"membership game strong" or "dan's cupping experience"

Hey Journal!

This morning I got up at the usual time and headed off to work. Dan took the day off because a) he had gotten home late from his baseball game and b) he wanted to go earlier for his acupuncture appointment.

Work today was very good. When I got in, I headed out on the course to check out the progress on the bridge. Anziani was working to replace the second bridge which was a mess. He did the first one last year, I think. Anyway, after that I came back in and checked on the work in the parking lot. We had a construction company in and they were fixing the parking lot drains. A lot of them had sunken down over the years and they came to raise them up and pour new asphalt around them.

When I got inside, I had a lot of office things to do. It was crazy. I had to print the bills to be sent out later in the week and then the rest of the day I spent on memberships. Dan's dad was sick today, he thinks he has the flu, so he wasn't in. In his absence, I was answering membership leads left and right! It was insane but amazing. I called back all the leads from the weekend and then I met with two guys -- one who showed up and one who called and after giving him the info, he came down to check things out. I sent out three applications, and I THINK that two are going to comeback in! I don't want to jinx it, though! It's insane... I felt like I was a little rusty in the morning but as soon as i got into my flow, I was on top of my game!

I left work around 4:00 and headed home. Steve had brought some medicine in for Pete and Lisa... it was called Dr. Nenninger's Flu Defense or something like that. I stopped by on my way home and gave it to them but I made sure to stay far away. I only stood on the porch and refused to go inside for fear that I would catch their illness. I dared not enter the quarantine zone!

Since Dan had the day off from work, he was already home when I got home. He said his acupuncture appointment went well but they did the cupping soooo strong that he had big purple marks on his arm! He said the Chinese lady came in and said, "Oh my god!" when she saw it!

He said he thinks the acupuncture helped a bit and he has to go back on Friday. Of course -- you always have to go back!

We went out for a walk and it was a BEAUTIFUL night out! When we got home, Dan cooked dinner on the BBQ. He had gotten boneless pork chops earlier in the day and he grilled them up. They came out really really good.

I took my bath/shower combination and then we watched 24. I made myself a CupNoodles for dinner and now it's time for bed!

Until tomorrow...

Goodnight. :)

The last five:
"all your eggs are belong to james" - April 15, 2017
"day 5 - membership goals" - June 14, 2017
"designated bed time" or "day four of the quarantine" - April 13, 2017
"getting caught up" or "last acupuncture?" - April 12, 2017
"more mulch" or "membership frenzy" - April 11, 2017