
Fun for the whole Family:

"No, It's a vicious lie!"



April 01, 2017 - 12:22 a.m.
"machi koro night" or "preview april showers"

Hey Journal!

Happy Friday!! Today I got up and headed off for my acupuncture appointment at 9am! I arrived promptly, even though I had to stop at the gas station because my gas was much lower than I had realized.

Today I was in the same room as last time and this time I had quite the intense session. First, she had my lay on my stomach today and put a lot of needles in my lower back as well as my butt cheek. Of course, she also still concentrated on the main area.

After laying there for about 10 minutes, one of the ladies came in and did the herbs thing, and then I had a different woman than usual come to remove the needles. This one did MASSAGING! She massaged my neck and my head, and then when all the needles were out and massaged my leg like crazy!

When she was done, she did the cupping. She wasn't as good as the other one at the cupping -- they weren't sticking and she had to keep trying them over and over again!

When I left, I was feeling pretty good, though! It was a bit of a gloomy day but things were pretty busy anyway. As soon as I got to work I started working on my program. I came up with an idea that I thought would make it work but it required that I make some changes to the code I had written yesterday. I tried it out and was really happy that I was able to get it working!! WAHOO! That means that my day of coding yesterday wasn't a complete waste so that made me feel good!

The rest of the day I didn't do anything too complicated. The new Superintendent came in to make copies today and he ALWAYS makes them in color. Like, he doesn't realize that we pay for our color copies? And it's not like the things he's making copies of are important....they're always things like people's licenses or stuff he's giving me that I do not need in color AT ALL. I told him not to bother making them in color and he was all shocked that we would care about spending money on color copies. It was strange.

Anyway, when I left work there was a LOT of rain and a LOT of traffic. People can't remember how to drive when water falls from the sky.

I took my bath/shower and then we went to Chili's for dinner at 7:15 with Linda, Connor, and Cameron. We had called ahead so our table was ready promptly when we arrived. Linda had gotten there about 3 minutes before us and she went over to Barnes and Noble. We got seated and then they headed back to the restaurant.

We had a good time, the margaritas hit me hard at first! I really needed them.

Dan and I had purchased a gift card on Gift Card Zen ahead of time to save 17%!!! on our Chili's bill tonight. BAM!

When we were done.... we came back to our house for MACHI KORO! YASSSSSS! Connor had been dying to play this game and we kept putting him off with it. Last time we hung out he was so sad that we couldn't play, so we made a plan to make it happen tonight.

As soon as we got back here we gave them the gift we had gotten from Best Buy. (Courtesy of Carolyn!) It was a Lego-like Five Nights at Freddy's set. I didn't realize just how complicated it was to build. They opened it up and Linda and I spent the next half-hour or so putting it together! It was pretty intense!

Once we did that, we set up Machi Koro and got ready to play. Dan made us frozen daiquiris and before he made ours, he asked if the kids wanted some. (Non-alcoholic, of course....) So, Linda says, "Do you want a daiquiri?" Connor IMMEDIATELY says, "I'm not 21!" and Cameron says, "I'll have a Mike's!" She figured she would use this opportunity to order her own alcoholic beverage of choice! So crazy!

So, we played Machi and Connor really liked it. He got into it, got the rules really quickly, and he won the first game! He went crazy buying all the buildings that made him lots of money! Whenever anyone rolled a 6, he was rich!

When we were done, it was getting late and they were getting ready to go home but, before they did, we played some of that song quiz game on the AppleTV! It was great. We were so into it!

They headed out around 12:00 and Dan and I watched a little TV before bed!

Until tomorrow...

Goodnight. :)

The last five:
"fabric and mulch" or "new speakers" - April 05, 2017
"mulch" or "super coupon" - April 04, 2017
"cpc flyers all around" or "already monday" - April 03, 2017
"walking dead disappointment" or "rosebud" - April 02, 2017
jen b game night - April 02, 2017