
Fun for the whole Family:

"No, It's a vicious lie!"



May 17, 2017 - 10:35 p.m.
fire warm night of the summer

Hey Journal!

Today was a much less busy day at work then yesterday was but I still had a lot of e-mails and a fair amount of calls about the new weekday membership. For some reason there is a lot of inquiry, but not a lot of action. I feel like people think the weekday is going to be super cheap -- like $2,000 or something, and then when it's not, they just give up.

Anyway, I got some daily closes done today, had a phone call with our lawyer, and prepared stuff for the rest of the week.

Tomorrow, Bill and I have a meeting at our lawyer's office so I'm planning to go in to work for a bit and then head over there. The meeting is at 11:00.

For lunch today I had some raviolis and then later on in the afternoon we had a problem with one of the sinks in the men's' bathroom upstairs. It's been messed up for a while now... it's been hard to turn it off... but today, the sink on the rough wouldn't go off at all. It kept dropping hot water even when it was in the off position.

Jackie was afraid someone was going to get burned by it so I called the plumber but, in the meantime, I went upstairs to see if there was anything I could do. I took it apart but it couldn't be fixed so I just turned the hot water off under the sink. Now it works correctly... it just doesn't have any hot water.

Jackie asked me to go to the bank today to get change which was RIDICULOUS because Dan's dad has just asked her on Friday to get enough change to last her for two weeks! I mean, I could see if she ran out towards the end but it's literally just the beginning! It's super-busy in the office so I don't even know when I'll be able to go!

I worked on a LOT of stuff in the office today and I left work at 5:00.

When I got home, Dan and I walked over three miles. It was a super-nice night out and we made our way over to the 7-11 to get a Slurpee! After we got all the way there, I realized I didn't have my wallet and neither did Dan! Luckily, we had one free cup available on the 7-11 rewards app! WAHOO! It saved the day! I was also super excited because they had the Lemonade Slurpee! I really hope they keep that one in stock all summer!

Tonight was officially the first warm night of the summer.... like it didn't get cold, it was comfortable. I loved it!

When we got home, I showered up and we got pizza for dinner. We ate, watched World News, and then watched last night's SHIELD. It was the season finale!

Although we didn't want to go out, we went to Target because we had some good deals on out iBotta app. When we got home, we watched some Judge Judy and now it's time for bed!

Until tomorrow...

Goodnight. :)

The last five:
"rainy day for an outing" or "bbc radio manchester" - May 22, 2017
"color-walk" or "sunday sunburn" - May 21, 2017
"not as green" or "bring your own cup day" - May 21, 2017
"i'm a gynecologist, ask me anything" or "game night w mikey and theresa" - May 20, 2017
hold - May 18, 2017