
Fun for the whole Family:

"No, It's a vicious lie!"



May 14, 2017 - 10:14 p.m.
mother's day

Hey Journal!

Happy Mother's Day!

This morning I got up at about 10:30 and Dan was already downstairs watching TV. I layed on the couch for a little while until I was sufficiently awake and then we headed out to get our day started.

First, we went to Bagel Maniac to get some breakfast. Our next stop was Target where we returned the Vitamin B12 I had purchased earlier in the week where they gave me a 4% discounts instead of 5% for my RedCard! Such ridiculousness. Then, we got a couple of gift cards for my Grandma for Mother's Day.

We made our way over to Price Club because Dan needed to get more tilapia for dinner. While we were there I tried these samples of Panko Breaded Chicken Patties and I really liked them, so we got them.

On the way home we stopped at Dollar Tree and I got some wrapping paper so I could wrap the picture I got for my mom when we got home.

We headed home right after that, wrapped the picture, and then got ready to go to my Aunt's house for Mother's Day. Before we left, we investigated the birds' nest in the side of our house. It's terrible.... the piece of the siding that was not properly attached was allowing birds to fly inside and they started to build a nest inside the eve of the house. Dan closed it, but now there are birds trapped inside... I think. It's just a mess, and Dan wouldn't reach inside to remove the nest, so I don't know exactly how we're going to manage this.

We left here around 1:30 and we stopped at Margarita's restaurant to get my mom a $50 gift certificate. She had never been there and I think she would enjoy it.

After that, we got on the expressway and headed out to my Aunt's house. We arrived at 2:15 and we were the first to arrive. We went inside and others arrived shortly after. Dan came a little while later followed by Mikey and Theresa. Jackie and the kids didn't come because they were feeling sick! :(

The food was good, there was chicken francaise, but I think the best part of the meal was the baked ziti and the meatballs! The meatballs were really good. We ate dinner and then hung around until dessert! We had cake and stuff, and then Dan and I departed around 7:00.

When we got home, we showered up and then watched some TV. We caught up on Prison Break and Designated Survivor.

Now it's time to get ready for bed. Work tomorrow -- my first day of freedom for two weeks, but it's going to be crazy -- there's so much for me to do! Yikes!

Until tomorrow...

Goodnight. :)

The last five:
"i'm a gynecologist, ask me anything" or "game night w mikey and theresa" - May 20, 2017
hold - May 18, 2017
fire warm night of the summer - May 17, 2017
"more weekday madness" or "three for the road" - May 16, 2017
"new oven time" or "weekday comeback" - May 15, 2017