
Fun for the whole Family:

"No, It's a vicious lie!"



May 15, 2017 - 8:56 p.m.
"new oven time" or "weekday comeback"

Hey Journal!

My first day of work freedom started today but it was surprisingly busy. I got up this morning after having a hard time sleeping as late as I wanted to. The birds outside keep chirping and it's really irritating me. I don't understand HOW I can hear them from inside!

I got to work at 9:30 and the hood people were just starting to work on cleaning the kitchen. I got to work downstairs frantically preparing the email that we were sending out to announce the resurrection of the Weekday membership!

I had so much to do today,it was just nuts! I finished that up pretty quickly and then prepared for all the phone calls that were going to come in after the blast.

Meanwhile, a guy stopped by to take a tour of the course and so I had to head outside to drive him around.

When I got back in I had a bunch of emails to answer. The response was good, but it's really not more of a response than we usually get for our Full membership blasts. Some people asked some good questions but nothing really groundbreaking.

I spent some time this morning catching up on the daily closes from APril. I'm making some progress but there just so much to do!

Once the phone calls started coming in steadily, I wrapped that project up and focused only on the memberships.

Then, before I knew it, it was 2:00 and it was time to install the new oven we got for the kitchen. The chef had asked three guys to come in to help lift it, the plumber came to install it, and I was there to supervise. It was such a ridiculous scene!

First, the they moved the good, top stove onto this rickety little table! It was not very balanced at all! Then, they moved the old broken stove out in to the middle of the kitchen. THEN, we brought the new stove over on a pallet jack and then they tilted it up and got it through the doorway! It was such a scene... the three guys didn't speak any english and the plumber was yelling weird stuff to them the whole time! LIke, he was just yelling out random spanish words!

Anyway, we got the new stove in place, installed, and ready to go.

I answered more emails for membership and then left work at 5:00 and headed home. On the way, Mike called me to see how everything went. I told him it was some operation, and he asked where the old one was. I told him it was out back behind the kitchen. He said that "some hillbilly" is coming tomorrow to pick it up! I told jim he'd better be strong since it was FREAKING HEAVY! (600 lbs!) Mike said, "Don't worry, he's bringing his wife with him. You think it was some operation today, wait till you see this!" Oh, Mike!

So, I got home and Dan dropped a surprise that he was going out with some people from work today. Booo.

I made myself Panko Chicken that I had gotten yesterday at Price Club for dinner. I ate and watched that 100 Days of Diana special that we had recorded a few weeks ago. It was pretty good and I actually learned a lot of things i had never heard about her before. I thought the show it was good up until the ending which was kinda flat. I mean, we all know what happened at the end but they could have given a little more detail after sitting through two hours of the last 100 days!

Anyway, now it's time for bed. We're gonna try to get to sleep a bit early tonight.

Until tomorrow...

Goodnight. :)

The last five:
"not as green" or "bring your own cup day" - May 21, 2017
"i'm a gynecologist, ask me anything" or "game night w mikey and theresa" - May 20, 2017
hold - May 18, 2017
fire warm night of the summer - May 17, 2017
"more weekday madness" or "three for the road" - May 16, 2017