
Fun for the whole Family:

"No, It's a vicious lie!"



June 14, 2017 - 10:01 p.m.
"neurologist" or "gabapentin"

Hey Journal!

Today I got up at the usual time for work and immediately received a notification from BBC News that there had been a shooting in Virginia. Of course, the BBC is always first. When I got to work, I watched the coverage on ABC and we kept it on all morning to see what was going on!

It was so strange seeing all of these congressmen giving their accounts of the events wearing these weird baseball uniforms. The best story though was from Rand Paul on GMA telling how he hid behind and then ran.

I mean, this was a crazy and terrible event but rather than dwell on all that, here... I figured I'd mention that his story was just so weird.

So, at work this morning I laundered these two cleaning pads from our mop at home. I didn't want to do it here because it's kinda gross and we put gross things in our washer at work so I didn't feel as bad about it. They're made to be washed in the washing machine but I just can't bring myself to do it at home.

Anyway, I spent the morning really cracking down on things that have to be done in the office before I leave on Friday. I only have tomorrow left, so I had to make great progress today.

I also had to leave early today, so that was not very good... but that's why I stayed late yesterday!

Anyway, I made one big mistake today and that was that I didn't eat anything! You know, doesn't everyone forget to eat? That reminds me of a quote from Follow that Bird... Grover tells Big Bird, "Don't forget to breathe!"

So, at work I had once piece of sausage and once piece of bacon. I was going to call it a slice of bacon but I don't think that's right.

I left work at 2:00 and headed over to the Neurologist's office in Smithtown. I checked in and when the doctor came in I told him all about my saga. I told him all the other doctors I had been to and went over all the weird iterations of the pain I have had.

He did a few tests with a little mallet, testing my reflexes and stuff. He made me follow his finger, touch his finger and then touch my nose... lots of weird coordination tests. He also asked me some rapid fire questions like "what is today's date" and "spell the word WORLD." I did that and then he asked me to spell the word WORLD backwards! I did it but it took me a few seconds to work it out. DLROW!

I guess they have to do those kinds of tests to figure out your baseline.. I mean I guess people go in there with weird problems and CAN'T answer those questions... but thy don't know that they can't. I mean, I feel like if I had any problem like that I'd know - I mean, I can clearly spell... since I've just written this whole entry! I also go to work every day and function normally. But the Doctor doesn't know that.

Then he told me to remember three words... Table, Apple, Penny. He asked me to repeat them back to me and I did. Then he asked me more questions and asked me to repeat them again and I couldn't remember the last one! What a fool! He then prompted me and said "a type of money..." and I said "PENNY!"

I think next time I go back to see him I should just open with "Table, Apple, Penny! BAM!"

Anyway, he said I tested well and he didn't see anything wrong with me. (It's like he took that line out of every other doctor's mouth!) I mean, don't get me wrong... I don't want to have anything serious wrong with me but-- I know something isn't right because I have pain I shouldn't have. I just want someone to identify it.

After my exam with him, he sent me for an EEG across the hall. A woman attached about 21 electrodes to my head with this goopy gel. Then I had to close my eyes for about 20 minutes. For the first few minutes she flashed lights in front of my eyes to test for little seizures. Then for three minutes I had to breathe through my mouth. Then I had to just continue breathing normally for a while. I wasn't allowed to open my eyes, and I was supposed to "relax" the whole time.

The lady kept telling me "RELAX!" She could see on her little brain wave readings that I wasn't relaxed enough. UGH! The story of my life. Like when I went for acupuncture and the lady kept telling me to relax even though I thought I already was.

I guess this test has shown me that I really can't relax like other people. I don't like just relaxing. I'm alway ready to pounce.

Anyway, he want to do a nerve conduction EMG study so I have another appointment for that on July 7th. (Jen B's birthday!) I feel like that test should be more telling since it will deal directly with the nerves in my leg.

Oh, and in case you were wondering, all results came back normal on my brain test.

The doctor prescribed me gabapentin. Yes, the elusive gabapentin. The medicine my urologist AND my Uncle both mentioned to me. It's supposed to be a nerve pain reliever. Anyway, I am looking taking this medicine in two ways - 1) I am hoping it takes the pain away. It's not going to heal me, it's just a pain reliever, but it will be nice to not feel the pain while my body is healing. 2) If this medicine works, I will have a better idea that it's actually a NERVE pain. Since nobody has been able to tell me definitively what is causing my pain, if it responds to this medicine it will help me identify it.

I left there around 5:00 and headed to Wendy's to get food. Oh, I forgot to mention that -- as soon as I got to the doctor's office I Started feeling light-headed because I hadn't eaten and my stomach was super-hungry!

So, I ate and then headed to Target to pick up my medicine. I also purchased binoculars for our trip. Dan really wants to look at the animals in Yellowstone up close.

I came home, did some more packing, did things around the house, and then took a shower. I can't believe tomorrow is my last day to get things done before the trip! Yikes! I have so much to do AND I have to leave work early again tomorrow to go to physical therapy! They are going to try their hand at relieving my pain. Just another copay!

Now it's most definitely time for bed!

Until tomorrow...

Goodnight. :)

The last five:
"old faithful" or "grand prismatic spring" - June 19, 2017
"more tetons" or "yellowstone" - June 18, 2017
"grand tetons" or "audio tour" - June 17, 2017
"isp to bwi to slc" or "welcome to wyoming" - June 17, 2017
"physical therapy" or "vacation starts now" - June 15, 2017