
Fun for the whole Family:

"No, It's a vicious lie!"



August 01, 2017 - 10:37 p.m.
"moltres" or "sprinklers and phones"

Hey Journal!

This morning I got up at 7:00am with Moltres on my mind! I was very eager to catch this new Pokemon and I wasn't quite sure when or how. I looked at what raids were going on nearby on the Suffolk chat room and there wasn't anything too close by.

I decided to take a drive through Smithtown to see if any of the gyms there were having a raid. They weren't, but I wound up by the mall and there was on going on just on the other side of the IHOP parking lot.

Again, I just happened to have excellent timing because I pulled in, had to wait a while for the light to change so I could scurry across 347 and when I finally got to the group of about 18 people already standing there, someone told me there were just 20 seconds left! They had a private group - Bulbasaur, Bulbasaur, Squirtle. Or Bulba, Bulba, Squirt, as the kid said -- for short.

I got in, and the battle started really soon after. Surprisingly, the Moltres was much easier to defeat than some of the other raids I've done before. It went quickly and I only was on my second Pokemon when we won! It was time for the catch! I only had 6 balls. My first one escaped but the second one caught and I was quite happy!

I crossed back over 347 with a woman who told me that she had left her children at home sleeping to go out and catch a Moltres. She assured me there was another adult home but also sleeping. She said they wouldn't even know she was gone!

Anyway, I got back in the car and headed off to work. I arrived right at the usual time and so I was very happy to have caught my Moltres and now I didn't have any pressure the rest of the day.

I didn't see any other raids for the rest of the day. I feel like they were harder to find than last week's.

Work today was good, I got a lot done. I did a bunch of month-end stuff...reconciled accounts and I'm happy that I seem to be caught up!

The day went by quickly and I didn't even have anything for lunch. At about 4:00 I ate some Cheerios and then headed home around 4:45.

I had to make a few stops on my way home.

I stopped at the Verizon store in Commack to pick up a new SIM card for my Grandma's account. Before going, I wanted to add myself as a designated user on her account and it turns out that I already am!

They got me a new SIM card and then I had to go to Home Depot because my Grandma needed a new sprinkler head.

When I got over, I set up the phone. She really wanted to learn how to use an iPhone so I have her an old iPhone 5c that we had at work and she's been getting used to it by using it on WiFi. Now she has cell service to go with it!

So, on to the sprinkler problem, there was a broken sprinkler head that was causing a big pool of water out on the front lawn. I had a replacement and I dug out the old one but the hole kept filling up with water and I couldn't screw the new head in place.

Luckily, the lawn guy was just arriving and he used his shovel and dug the hole deeper so that the water would be out of our way. Once that was done I put the sprinkler in but now I was having a problem with the nozzle. The sprayer wouldn't stay in place and kept flying out onto the lawn. When it did, this little tiny screw went with it.

The first time it happened, I was lucky enough to find it pretty quickly but the second time it happened I couldn't locate it! My mom and Jerry came out to help find it and we almost gave up on it. Finally, Jerry found it in the grass.

My mom had a sore throat so I tried to stay away much as possible. I left there around 8:30 and headed home.

I showered up, watched some Judge Judy, and then heated up a TV dinner.

Bed calls... Until tomorrow...

Goodnight. :)

The last five:
"flea markets and antiques" - December 06, 2017
"fdr's house" or "weekend adventure, day one" - December 06, 2017
"mri sticker shock" or "dan delayed" or "moana in the park" - December 05, 2017
"productive day in the office" or "the pain train" - August 03, 2017
"orthopedic followup" - August 02, 2017