
Fun for the whole Family:

"No, It's a vicious lie!"



July 31, 2017 - 11:01 p.m.
"no moltres" or "outing with bad or no food"

Hey Journal!

Well, it's hard to believe it's the last day of July already! This summer is just flying by but I'm really looking forward to going away this weekend and having a fun time upstate with Linda, Connor, and Cameron!

Dan left for his trip to Tennessee this morning so he woke me up when he left. I had set my alarm for 7am so I could get up and see if the Moltres raids had started. Sadly, they had not. I tried to get back to sleep and I got a few more minutes of sleep before 8:00 rolled around.

I got to work around 9 and the day was pretty quiet. The outing today went by really quickly. They played fast. Unfortunately, they didn't have a real breakfast or any kind of lunch so there was nothing for us to eat.

Re came in and got all of the daily closes taken care of and then we went out to lunch at 2:00 to Wendy's.

They now ask you for your name at Wendy's so that they can announce when your order is ready, Starbucks style. So, they asked Re for her name and she Kristen. When the person entered it into the computer, they put "Christ." So the manager guy who called out the name is yelling "Christ! Christ!" and Re didn't realize it was for her! Then, when I got up to the register they didn't even ask me my name. They just put "V." So, the guy is yelling V! It was so weird.

We left work at 4:50 today and headed home. I didn't stop at any raids.

People on my group chat were very upset because there were no Moltres sightings yet! I mean, I was upset too. I was ready to go out hunting this morning and they didn't release them until 8pm! That was a tease because all of our raid battles here close at 8pm! So the only people who got to take advantage today were on the west coast! Rude!

Anyway, at 7:00, Kristen came over and we went for a walk around the neighborhood. We covered a good distance and I managed to hatch two Pokemon eggs!

After our walk, I showered up and then watched an episode of Parenthood! Dan watched all three of the episodes he downloaded onto his phone today during his flight. Now I'm two episodes behind so I'll try to watch another one tomorrow!

I watched Judge Judy, had some leftover Smokin Al's for dinner, and now it's time for bed!

Until tomorrow...

Goodnight. :)

The last five:
"fdr's house" or "weekend adventure, day one" - December 06, 2017
"mri sticker shock" or "dan delayed" or "moana in the park" - December 05, 2017
"productive day in the office" or "the pain train" - August 03, 2017
"orthopedic followup" - August 02, 2017
"moltres" or "sprinklers and phones" - August 01, 2017