
Fun for the whole Family:

"No, It's a vicious lie!"



July 30, 2017 - 10:53 p.m.
"so many gyms" or "shalom"

Hey Journal!

This morning Dan and I got up at about 9:30 and tended to the laundry. After that we headed out to take care of some stuff we needed to get done. We started by going to a few Pokemon Gyms in hopes of getting 50 coins today.

We drove over to eh VA in northport which had FIVE yellow gyms! When we arrived, there wa a guard and we told him we were just going to turn around but he said we could go in. I placed Pokemon in all five gyms but the bad news is that the ones that were there had been there for 5 days! Yikes! I guess they don't get a lot of activity!

Anyway, we left there and put on in a nearby library on our way to Home Depot. We had to return a sprinkler head we had purchased a month or so ago. Then, we went to the outlets again because Dan had purchased the wrong size shirt yesterday by accident AND we had to return a pair of underwear I had gotten online from American Eagle. It's so frustrating because I know my size in the American Eagle underwear and I love some pairs but other pairs fit horrible. Some fit perfectly. It's hit or miss. You just have to get them and see if they are going to feel right. Oh well.

After that we went to Chipotle for lunch. Even though we had just gone yesterday, we remembered we had a Buy One, Get One Free coupon. It was expiring tomorrow so we wanted to make use of it today. We hadn't eaten anything for breakfast so we were pretty hungry.

We went to the oune in Hauppauge on Motor Parkway. Then we headed to the library to return an audiobook Dan had taken out and then we came home.

We had about an hour and Dan had to pack and try to get things ready for his trip tomorrow before we headed over to his parents' house to have a little backyard BBQ with his cousin Alana who was visiting for one day from Israel.

It was a really nice night to be outside so we sat out on the patio for a while, everyone talked, and then we had dinner. BBQ chicken, corn on the cob, and sausage! Alana didn't eat anything because she isn't permitted by her religion.

After dinner we took a walk around the neighborhood. I tried to hatch some Pokemon eggs but unfortunately we were just short of the required distance by the time we returned.

We had dessert after that and then Dan and I headed home around 8:390. Dan had to finish packing up for his trip tomorrow and I showered up and we also tended to the pool. We had to turn the solar heater back on.

At 9:00 we were seated in front of the TV and ready for tonight's Game of Thrones! I thought it was a good episode but maybe not as exciting as the first one this season. I think I'm ready for some more action so hopefully next week there will be a lot of stuff going on.

Alas, now it's time for bed! Until tomorrow...

Goodnight. :)

The last five:
"mri sticker shock" or "dan delayed" or "moana in the park" - December 05, 2017
"productive day in the office" or "the pain train" - August 03, 2017
"orthopedic followup" - August 02, 2017
"moltres" or "sprinklers and phones" - August 01, 2017
"no moltres" or "outing with bad or no food" - July 31, 2017