
Fun for the whole Family:

"No, It's a vicious lie!"



September 05, 2017 - 10:06 p.m.
all that's necessary...

Hey Journal!

Do you ever feel like you're really uncomfortable with something but don't know how to express it? You know I don't ever get political or talk about anything remotely controversial... but I feel like today's DACA announcement is just really wrong. For me, it feels like so many other points in history when people said/did nothing because it wasn't happening to them. Like, it's easy for me to say... well, it's a bunch of people I don't know... this doesn't affect me. But as history shows, sooner or later it IS you and then there's nobody left to speak up for you. It's just like, you see something so wrong, and it's a slippery slope. It's a bunch of ignorant, bigoted people who think that if you don't look or speak like them then you must be the enemy and our country would be better off with no diversity at all. A bunch of fat rednecks.

Whatever. I don't really know what I can do to help, I don't think I'm up for protesting... but in a way I wish I was. I wish there was a way I could help. I just keep hoping we can get through the next few years with as little damage as possible so we can hopefully start to begin repairing the mess being created now.

I just keep hearing this quote over and over. My 9th grade English teacher had this written above the chalkboard. Mr. Shelly. "All that's necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men, and women, to do nothing." I feel like I never understood that as much as I do now. But I don't have anything to do.

Alas, this morning I got up for work and headed on in. I had completely forgotten that there was no golf today because we were aerating 18 holes of the course. It was great because I had a really busy day catching up on end of month stuff, dues, and payroll. I also had a meeting about our 401k today. I needed the peace of being closed to get everything done.

At 1:00, our 401k advisor came to talk about our plan. Our plan is in good health and we just need to replace one or two funds that haven't been performing well over the past year.

For lunch I had ravioli... one of the special of the week.

I left work at 5:00 and headed home. On the way home I stopped at some Pokemon gyms because I hadn't gotten any coins yet. Well, actually, I had gotten 11 coins from one gym I placed this morning but I needed more so I needed to spread out my chances. I got two more coins pretty quickly but I'm still hoping for a coup before midnight so I can get my 50 for the day!

When I got home, Dan and I went for a walk around the neighborhood. We walked about 2 miles and then headed home as it was starting to get dark.

I showered up and then had my leftovers from Friday night for dinner. We watched World News and Jude Judy and now we're just getting ready for bed.

Until tomorrow...

Goodnight. :)

The last five:
"too many wasps" or "pokemon hunting" - September 10, 2017
julio and highlighters - September 09, 2017
"houlihan's and halloween costumes" - September 08, 2017
dust bowl - September 07, 2017
neck itch - September 06, 2017