
Fun for the whole Family:

"No, It's a vicious lie!"



December 21, 2017 - 9:59 p.m.
scrambled eggs in the back seat

Hey Journal!

Today I headed off to work and got in a 9:20. I had a lot of stuff to catch up on but I was able to do today's crossword puzzle first and I did it in good time! I've started keeping track of when I start and when I finish and, if I get interrupted for a long period of time I mark down my stop/start times. I want to get faster and faster!

Steve came in later than usual today because he went to his grandson's school play this morning and I was watching our bitcoins like a hawk. They kept going up and down and up and down. Dan's dad suggested that I sell some of my ripple and to try to cut some of the losses from the constant up and down so I sold half of them but it turned out to be not such a good idea because they went from .96 to .80 several times today. As soon as I sold mine, they only kept going up so I missed out on half of the gains I would have made. Blah!

I had a bunch of things to do today and it was busy as could be in the office this afternoon.

At the end of the day, the chef told me that he had a lot of food, especially produce and dairy in the walk-in that obviously couldn't last until March when we reopen, so I went up to see if there was anything I'd like. Wow.... there was a TON!

I felt like I wa on supermarket sweep! I loaded up a few boxes and took things like carrots, peppers, cantaloupes, cucumbers, spinach, eggs, milk, orange juice, tomatoes, oranges, limes, lemons. It was insane.

I carried the boxes out to my car and I was planning to leave at 4:00. The last box was the one with the eggs and, as I went to put it inside the car, the box tipped over and the top row of 24 EGGS came crashing down into the back seat of my car. About half of them cracked on the seat and the other half on the floor. It was so gross. I didn't even know where to begin.

I ran inside and grabbed a towel soak up as much of the crap as I could. After that, I started scooping the eggs and shells out with my hands. I threw them into the sewer drain in the parking lot. It was so bad. Luckily, my mom had gotten me extra floor mats for my car and MOST of the egg on the floor went onto that mat. Once I was done hand-scooping the eggs out of my car, I left work and I still had a pretty big cleanup task ahead of me.

I went directly to my Grandma's house because I don't really like peppers or cucumber or eggplant or some of the other things so I figured she could use some. When I arrived, I explained where the food had come from and she was shocked by how much I had! She was excited to make spaghetti sauce from the tomatoes, and was happy with lots of the other stuff I bought! Her refrigerator was packed when I left and she said she was happy she didn't go shopping today!

When I got home, Dan came out and helped me bring the boxes of our food inside. I pulled under the carport so that I could have some light and I started the massive cleanup effort. I used the nitrile gloves and had to clean the seats with paper towel first to get up any lingering egg. Then I cleaned the sears with a clorox wipe, followed by dishwashing detergent, and then just water. For the floor, I took the mats out. Then I used carpet cleaner on the few spots of the actual floor that got egg on it. Then, I brought the mats inside and cleaned them off in the bathtub until they were like new. I put them on a plastic bag and they are currently drying in the kitchen.

What an ordeal. Then, I had to clean the bathtub and finally I was done for the night. For dinner I had a piece of steak that my Grandma have me, eggs, and some other things.

I saw some rare Pokemon nearby so I hurried down the street to get them and then Dan and I watched some TURN. I don't know why I feel like I should capitalize the whole word. Maybe that's because it's like that in the opening credits but I'm not sure that it should be when I write it here! Oh well!

Alas, now it's time for bed! I suppose I will have to check the car in the light of day to see if I missed any spots!

Until tomorrow...

Goodnight. :)

The last five:
"petula clark" or "ticket turmoil" - December 26, 2017
"merry christmas" or "petula clark" - December 25, 2017
"innkeeper #1 & #2" or "pink ham" or "christmas eve" - December 25, 2017
"kristen" or "julio" or "jen b" or "christmas eve eve" - December 24, 2017
"restaurant closed for the season" or "store life" - December 22, 2017