
Fun for the whole Family:

"No, It's a vicious lie!"



March 24, 2016 - 9:52 p.m.
"new tires on an old car" or "the plate hanger"

Hey Journal!

Tomorrow we're leaving bright and early in the morning to go to Montreal! There was supposed to be a big snowstorm hitting overnight but it looks like it turned out to be just rain. Of course, I really don't think we should ever go to Montreal in non-summer months again... and we had agreed on that several years ago, but Dan made these plans without consulting me so we're going to be braving frigid temperatures this weekend!

Anyway, I got up this morning and when it was time to leave for work I couldn't find my wallet ANYWHERE! It was a little irritating. I eventually located it and then departed.

I had to stop at Home Depot on the way to work because I was bringing in a new tablet today to replace the one that broke yesterday and I needed to come up with a plan to affix it to the wall. A better plan than the 3M strips that failed us yesterday and resulted in the smashed screen!

I also had to get a copy of a key made for Steve. I did all that and then started scouting the aisles for a plan. I had one thought in mind which was to create a little ledge out of some molding. I got some pieces but wasn't sure exactly how they would work. I cut them using the saw and they only cost about $4 all together so it wasn't a big deal. I also stumbled upon another apparatus that I thought might be promising. It was a "decorative plate hanger!"

You know when people hang weird plates on the wall and they use those springy things to hold them in place... Yup... that's it! I got two of them, one in a medium and one in a larger size. I wasn't sure which one would fit the tablet.

When I got to work I set up the new one and get it working in the office. Then, I attempted to see how the molding idea would work. It would have worked -- but there were a few flaws in the plan. I really liked the plate hanger thing better! It's so random and weird and it's the least technological solution for something pretty technological but it was perfect and I love it! So, we're back in business -- at least for now!

When Steve came in he asked me to help him make enlargements of a book he had. He is going to be making a piece of furniture and wanted to enlarge a diagram so that the dimensions would match the size he needed! It's this really intricate pattern and I can't believe he can DO something like that! Not that I can't believe that Steve can do it... but that I can't believe that anyone who isn't a professional woodworker/furniture maker could do something so complicated!

I also talked to Steve today about some important payroll changes we're going to have to make soon.

Steve left at 1:20 and I also left to go meet Dan at Price Club. He dropped his car off to get new tires and he needed a ride back to work. It's a long story about these tires -- we originally were just going to sell his car and get the most we could for it. Of course, in that case, we weren't going to pump any more money into it!

More recently, we thought we would keep the car and just use it when we wanted to do "dirty" things, like go to the beach with all the sand or when Dan comes back all sweaty from the gym.

We also planned to take this car to Montreal with us for the weekend. We didn't want to put all those miles on either of the new cars.

The problem is that the tires were bald. I looked at them last night and they were terrible and unsafe! Since we didn't want to take either of the other cars, we looked into renting a car. That would have been about $150 and we weren't even sure if you were allowed to drive to Canada. We figured we'd be better to just get new tires.

Then, this morning, Dan got a call from the mechanic who had looked at his car yesterday. He said that he was talking to someone today who was looking for a good car for his daughter to bring to and from school. Dan got the guy's info and they've been communicating all day. Dan sent him pictures of the car and the guy seems to like it.

So, we're probably going to be selling it but we're trying to get a little more for it now that it has BRAND NEW TIRES!

Anyway, I picked Dan up and dropped him off at work. Then I came back and got lunch. I had the Tuscan no Tuscan.

the rest of the day went by pretty quickly and I departed again at about 4:50. I had a bunch of things to drop off at the post office and wanted them to go out today so I dropped them at the mid-island sorting facility on the way to pick Dan up. I made it there before the collection cutoff.

I got Dan and then brought him back to the Price Club to get his car. I had to swing back to work because I had forgotten a check on my desk that I wanted to deposit.

When we got home, Dan went out on his walk and I hurried to get some loads of laundry done. I had gotten butter on my pants today at work and I wanted to get it out before it was impossible. After that, Dan had a huge load of laundry for me to do and a lot of things in it were needed for our trip.

I showered up and then when Dan got home he showered and we watched World News. I had a Cup Noodles for dinner. I was going to have some more soup but I didn't want to go any more overboard on the salt than I already had.

We watched Tuesday's episode of The Flash and then one episode of Walking Dead! We are still so behind. We now I have two Scandals and THREE of HTGAWM!

I'm pretty much all packed and the plan is to depart around 4am! Insane. I know.

Until tomorrow...

Goodnight. :)

The last five:
"3 days until linda's wedding" or "ziti with meatballs (4)" - March 29, 2016
"floor waxing" - March 28, 2016
"cross-country easter" - March 27, 2016
"canadiens game" or "la cage aux popcorn" - March 26, 2016
"trip to montreal" or "cabine a sucre" - March 25, 2016