
Fun for the whole Family:

"No, It's a vicious lie!"



April 21, 2016 - 11:29 p.m.
"new tivo - more hard to accept change"

Hey Journal!

Today was a pretty busy day at work. I got up at 8:00 and headed off. There was a lot of traffic on the Northern State for some reason so I got to work a little later than usual.

There was a lot of stuff going on and the day was pretty much all over the place.

When Steve got in, he was on a mission to get some stuff done and he basically spent the whole day with Bill. I didn't really see him much at all.

For lunch I had some of the funeral food -- beef and broccoli, rice, and potatoes!

Later in the afternoon we learned that Prince had died and Jackie as very distraught over it. I was telling Dan's dad that I wasn't really a fan of Price. Not that I have anything against him, just that I was never really interested in his music.

It may be because he was always kinda scary. Whenever I think of him, I think of how weird and unusual he looked/dressed. It wasn't weird in a cool was weird in a creepy way.

Anyway, shortly after the news broke, our usual radio station played about 45 minutes worth of his music back to back, including the song 1999 twice! I was actually surprised when I heard how many songs he had. When I think of Prince, I automatically think of Purple Rain and how much I don't like it.... but he did have some good songs. Still, I'm not really that big of a fan. Just being honest.

I left work at 5:00 today and stopped at Home Depot on the way home. I got some caulk for the bathroom and some shelving units for our closet. I tried to call Dan but he wasn't answering so I figured I'd bring them home and see if Dan liked them.

I cleaned up a little around the house and then when Dan got home he brought Domino's for dinner. I decided to get the pasta tonight instead of pizza. It was actually very good.

Next up, we watched Tuesday's episode of SHIELD. It was good and I'm exciting for what's coming next. It left off on somewhat of a cliffhanger so I'm eager to see what happens.

Whenever I watch SHIELD, I often find myself thinking back to the beginning of the show and how wildly different it was. So much as many characters, the whole premise of the show, too. It's interesting.

After that, Dan and I took some time to clean up around the house and then Dan went out for his walk.

I showered up and then we watched The Flash. I do like this show still but the whole time travel and Earth 2 thing is a little too much to handle and it irritates me. I kinda how they resolve this current crises and then get a little less ridiculous.

And finally, our new TiVo came today. It was waiting for me when I got home from work and I unboxed it and got ready to turn it on for the first time. Dan suggested that I wait until after we watched our show and that turned out to be a bad suggestion because it took over an hour for the DVR to get activated and download the new software it needed!

So, I booted it up, connected it to the internet, and set it up on our account. While it was doing all of its updating, we just watched shows on the old one.

I haven't gotten to do much with it yet but here's my initial review. First, I love that it's faster. It's MUCH faster. You don't have to wait forever when you press a button. It's really responsive. The new commercial skipping features seem really cool, and I'm eager to try them out. You can stream shows to your phone in-house and, in the future, they claim you will be able to do it out-of-the-house, too. Oh, and the remote is RF instead of Infrared which makes it better.

The downsides.... really, there are only two that I have identified and I feel like they're so glaringly obvious that they shouldn't exist. First, the shape of the box. It's ridiculous. It looks like it's bent and fucked up. It looks like a demented boomerang. Second, the color. It's white and looks like an old toaster from the 90s. Ugh. Even the first Nintendo looked more modern. Why didn't they make it in black. It would have been sleek.

Oh well, I will have to accept the changes! It just takes me some time.

Anyway, now it's time to get to sleep! Until tomorrow...

Goodnight. :)

The last five:
"painful star treatment" - April 26, 2016
"another week begins" - April 25, 2016
"mulch" - April 24, 2016
"random day of fun and adventure" - April 23, 2016
"tivo transfer" or "lisa's 60th birthday" - April 23, 2016